Author Topic: I goofed. Badly.  (Read 2720 times)

You sound sociopathic.

being social 101: it's only weird if you make it weird

This is actually super true. I get away with doing stuff other people would get socially lashed for all the time because I don't make it weird. I mean, I wouldn't have done what you did because I know what Leukemia is and I know that it's not loving gangrene and so it by definition has already spread, but if I did write that anyway I'd have two backup plans: cover my ass and make other people seem like the starfishs.

Blame other people for not being able to be lighthearted about a situation where the subject really needs some humor or comfort in their life.

Cover your ass by explaining that cancer can metastasize and cause tumors in other areas, which is a bad thing and you're essentially wishing them well.

I guess they thought you meant, as a joke, that you hoped it didn't spread to other people

Either way people who would get offended at that are dumb and you should call them dumb for not understanding that cancer spreads and that is a bad thing

Sometimes trying to be different isn't worth it. If you really felt like you needed to say something else for it to have had impact on the person the card was for you could've just said what everyone else was saying but with different words or with more words in order to make your message actually look like you meant it which a simple "get well" cannot always convey.

Language manipulation is one of the most invaluable skills that anyone can learn in their entire life, it allows you to achieve so much more even though you're using the same components as everyone else.

Language manipulation is one of the most invaluable skills that anyone can learn in their entire life, it allows you to achieve so much more even though you're using the same components as everyone else.

Mmhmm, this is another statement I couldn't agree more with. I refer to myself as the King of Semantics all the time because of my superb skill at manipulating words.

Hey it could have been worse...

"Is the cancer ok?"

dont worry, i would've wrote get good

Kill everyone who heard about it.

just say it was a prank man