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Author Topic: → Alien Block SHUTDOWN ←  (Read 26580 times)

oh so nobody outside of blueeyes likes it

Well that's because it's people like you disliking it. I don't understand why you care
so much about this very topic either, I feel flattered though that your trying very
hard to do negative things towards me especially since you keep coming back to
this topic, making a "reply", and setting this back to the top of the "general discussion"
boards. I do know you are a great Blockland player and I will not think differently
because of what you said. I've always enjoyed your games and it makes me try
even harder to impress you and everyone else!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 07:17:07 AM by blueeyesjt1 »

I wuv the Trailer c:

I was the wounded space man.

Thanks Ethan, we are getting better and better everyday! :)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 07:30:47 AM by blueeyesjt1 »

Thanks Ethan, we are getting better and better everyday! :)
We sure are.

I have two questions.

1.) Out of pure curiosity are you going to ever make it so people can apply for helper?

2.) Do you take community made maps or is that like a plan for the future or just not at all.

I have two questions.

1.) Out of pure curiosity are you going to ever make it so people can apply for helper?

2.) Do you take community made maps or is that like a plan for the future or just not at all.

You can ask to help with anything, If its good enough, then you get placed down as a helper / admin.
Right now we're only worrying about 1 map due to that its only ALPHA. Maybe one day we will allow player-made-maps.

lol he removed link cus of its 9 dislikes

Hey Blue, Is it Ok if you add the server uptime? It would help alot.

lol he removed link cus of its 9 dislikes

Check the logo please, thank you.

Hey Blue, Is it Ok if you add the server uptime? It would help alot.

I will soon, thanks

Hey Blue.. I cant join because you changed the password

I seriously dont get why the video got 10 dislikes and none likes.
The concept is amazing, the build is moderate. The acting... meehhh
but still...

We started doing Alpha Tests hope to see you there.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 06:22:38 PM by Matz36 »

if its fake then why should I join