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Author Topic: → Alien Block SHUTDOWN ←  (Read 26582 times)

Good luck with this one!

Good luck with this one!

Thanks! We're working on ALPHA Testing now. Hopefully you'll be able to see it before it actually releases!

I hope this turns out nice, it is a pretty cool idea and I have no bad comments on the admin list like I usually do.

Cant wait to see this game in full swing!

I hope this turns out nice, it is a pretty cool idea and I have no bad comments on the admin list like I usually do.

Ha Ha, thank you very much. We appreciate the compliment and are hoping this will be released to the public soon.

I'm so excited for all of you to see the new trailer for our game! I love the first person gameplay that everyone will get to experience!

So that's what happened to the crew of the Blue viking

You really have outdone yourself blue
Cookies for you!  :cookie:  :cookie:

4 dislikes
great reception

You really have outdone yourself blue
Cookies for you!  :cookie:  :cookie:

Thanks Mat! That means a lot (:

Guess who was the alien...

oh so nobody outside of blueeyes likes it

I wuv the Trailer c:

I was the wounded space man.