Author Topic: things in public schools that piss you off  (Read 21706 times)

Im currently out of public school and going to college so Im not sure if any of that sorta stuff will be there, people seem alot different when they graduate.

But the one thing that pissed me off about highschool were the tough kid wigger "Im a gangsta dawg" types, just sheesh man look if you like rap music fine but you don't have to pretend you're some tough guy, besides if you acted like that in public you'd probably get into some deep stuff hue.

It's funny cause it looks like they are LARPing together as gangsters heh.

I like to pretend that I'm a gangster sometimes, as a complete joke. Kids will cringe, but they'll laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it.

I like to pretend that I'm a gangster sometimes, as a complete joke. Kids will cringe, but they'll laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it.
Ah it's good my friend's cousin does that all the time, even directly to those sorts of people who take it seriously.

Ah it's good my friend's cousin does that all the time, even directly to those sorts of people who take it seriously.


you're as old as my cousin

it might actually be me think of that

Jesus christ, it sounds like you guys went to the worst public schools in existence.

Blocked hallways? I guess I was lucky to go to a high school where there were no hallways -- you exited classroom doors to the outside.

In my school, we have fairly large hallways.

But then that allows for entire cliques to walk side-by-side to clog it up.

Also, I hate freshmen and seniors that think that they own the school. Sophomores and Juniors don't seem to have that complex much at all.

those who come to school sick

and spread whatever they have to me

This may be a personal school but groups of people just love to block the water fountains in my school and it pisses me off.

I remember back then when i was going to recess some kid pushed me and then told on me that i was running. Then the teachers believed him and then I was sent to the medic room (Yes that was were i be seated threw the whole recess time). Then I look out into the window were recess was at. But then few moments later, The teacher decided to close the window (Which that was so mean) and then after the next day there was Indoor snowball fight which i didn't go to because i got into trouble.

By the way that was in third grade before i move out of that school.

ANND..'s the top 50 things I hate in school!
  • People who read at the slowest rate loving ever
  • Getting the simplest spellings wrong.
  • People who hang out in the middle of the hallway, making the middle narrow
  • People who mess with certain people for stuff they did years ago. Does the 'joke' ever get old?
  • Trying to work and people forget with the windows, shouting inside or throwing stuff inside the class
  • for example, some garbage truck is outside and beeping loving loud, pretty easy to ignore. Nope. Everyone in the class calls out the already annoying sound for no reason.
  • starfishs who hit random people with rulers or flick their ear or something else that stings a bit
  • friends who just drop stuff on the floor even when the bin is 4 loving METERS AWAY.
  • people who stand on both sides of the corridor, waiting for someone to walk in the middle so they can push them about everywhere.
  • people in my school sometimes bring loving tablets in. I'm surprised someone didn't kick their bag and break it or something.
  • when people kick your bag for whatever reason, or just steal it and throw it somewhere. The worst I've seen this is when people actually go into the bag and forget with their stuff.
  • spraying stuffty sprays everywhere
  • stealing ties every second (for whatever reason we use clip-on ties)
  • paint peeling off everywhere
  • stuffty 'rumours' that most of the time make absolutely no sense whatsoever
  • people acting 'hard' even though they have the lowest grades in the year. there's some kids in lower years doing this, and they should be worried about their future
  • some kind of new system comes in, seems very expensive and almost everyone would love to keep it nice, but, people forget up the system on the first day it's added. (not really sure how I could explain this one)
  • people who think the monitor is the computer
  • kids who own a computer but don't give a stuff about them, and their parents also not giving a stuff either. They seem to just get stuffloads of adware and sometimes malware, and they don't know if it is.
  • just generally abusing the school technology
  • generally not giving a stuff about their learning, and their future
  • 'class clowns'
  • people who call you stupid, which doesn't make that much sense because we're both in the same class, with the same levels
  • people who call you stupid, but then can't spell a simple word or just get simple things wrong
  • running in the corridors and bumping into everything on the way
  • friends stating the obvious every second
  • insults that don't make sense, most arguments in this school is the same as 2 4 year olds fighting over a toy
  • hanging out in the loving bathroom
  • eating in the loving bathroom
  • missing school days because they think their cool for doing that
  • friends bragging about expensive stuff that they own
  • 'everything old is stuff' including music and games, according to almost everyone at school. all of the friends make fun of the few people who enjoy retro music and games
  • most people hate nintendo for some reason (oh it doesn't have cod and minecraft o no)
  • idiots knocking people for playing minecraft, even though most of the time, if they just talk about games in general, that somehow automatically makes them a 'minecraft cigarette'. (I personally don't like the game, no offense to anyone that does)
  • In french class, our teacher allows us to use google translate, and lets people with no phones use the dictionary. However, everyone just takes advantage of this.
  • when it snows. Everywhere you go, snowballs.
  • teachers who barely explain how to do something
  • teachers who don't bother to look into the situation and just give everyone involved the same punishment
  • teachers who give no punishment
  • teachers who keep the class in EVERY LESSON (for not finishing work, not bad behaviour) even though we have to go to next period
  • teachers who don't follow the school behaviour system
  • teachers who give hard homework, and moan when someone doesn't finish it the next day because they didn't understand it
  • teachers focusing on the people at the front and don't give a stuff about people at the back, even if they're shouting, throwing stuff, teacher's too busy focusing on the front.
  • same goes for when students need help, teacher focuses on one part of the class only
  • teachers telling people off for the simplest things
  • when teachers give a very vague explanation when students need help
  • teachers generally desperately trying to act smart
  • when it's pretty obvious that the teacher learnt about what she's teaching from a couple google searches, so when people are having problems, she has no idea what she's doing
  • teachers taking their anger out on the class, when the anger is from something completely different
yeah school is dumb
this post started out as a quick summary of why I hate school but it grown into a list

This may be a personal school but groups of people just love to block the water fountains in my school and it pisses me off.
People tend to do that at mine too, I just walk up to the fountain and ask them to move.

honor students. Annoying forgets.

  • People who hang out in the middle of the hallway, making the middle narrow
  • people who call you stupid, which doesn't make that much sense because we're both in the same class, with the same levels
  • people who call you stupid, but then can't spell a simple word or just get simple things wrong
  • 'everything old is stuff' including music and games, according to almost everyone at school. all of the friends make fun of the few people who enjoy retro music and games
  • idiots knocking people for playing minecraft, even though most of the time, if they just talk about games in general, that somehow automatically makes them a 'minecraft cigarette'. (I personally don't like the game, no offense to anyone that does)
  • teachers who don't bother to look into the situation and just give everyone involved the same punishment

These specific ones tick me off so much.

Jesus christ, it sounds like you guys went to the worst public schools in existence.

Blocked hallways? I guess I was lucky to go to a high school where there were no hallways -- you exited classroom doors to the outside.

Nah it's just life outside of SoCal where we have temperatures that change. Too cold in winter and too hot in summer. I wish I had a place to go where the summer and winter doesn't really have any difference.