Author Topic: things in public schools that piss you off  (Read 21707 times)

whenever kids get a bad grade and say "my teacher hates me"

whenever kids get a bad grade and say "my teacher hates me"

The teachers hate them because they get bad grades. :cookieMonster:

whenever people block the loving rows of desks so you cant put the bag on the shelf
people that stand around and block the narrow paths, luckily theres about 3 ways to each class
people that talk loudly in class so i cant do any work
people that try and copy off you and when you tell them not to they threaten you
people that sneak their phones into class and then wonder why they're getting it taken off them when it was clearly stated that it'll get taken off you if you're caught with it.
kids who play that stuff pop music really loudly in front of everyone and expect you to like it
kids that act tough and then cry when they get in trouble
teachers that give out detentions when your 2 seconds late
kids that barge past you when you arent even walking that slowly or hogging the pathway
kids that walk on the loving wrong side or walk in a group horizontally and block everyone and then whine when you push past
people that walk loving slow up/down the stairs when im trying to go up/down them

and that concludes my list

people that try and copy off you and when you tell them not to they threaten you
tell them to forget off/tell a teacher

I hate that I can't even walk down the halls without at least 20 girls asking me for love. Like I don't have feelings or a personality. That really makes me feel some type of way.


gettin' sucked off in the bathroom when you didnt even ask for it and its really awkward cuz it feels good but at the same time youre like "uh can u not?" yeahhhhhhhhhhhh...

whenever teachers don't grade according to the school districts grading policy. stuff pisses me right the forget off.

my chem teacher has a 'mastery' goal for the students. any student who achieves an 80% or above is passing. if it's below 80%, he just drops the grade to a zero. our standard grading policy that the rest of the teachers uses is 75% or above is passing. below is failing, but you still get a grade.

his way of grading things are loving me over in chemistry right now, the guy isn't a proper teacher and doesn't even use the damn book supplied to him.

whenever kids get a bad grade and say "my teacher hates me"

Newsflash: You will see crap like this everywhere for the rest of your life. Hell, it even happens here on the forums every time someone gets banned.

I will give the most common stuff in a nutshell
1 = cool guy
2 = friend

1 : (Attempts to give good advice to other people playing a game)
1 : (Attempt to speak again)
and that's it basically
I'm guessing you're "cool guy"

Teachers who push the 'back in my day' bullstuff.
Yes, when you were my age, you had to worry about the soviet union dropping atomic bombs on your head, I know. We arn't at war, quit acting like it.

Teachers who push 'social interactions' with other kids.
I'm here to get an education, not to forget around and socialize. The other kids can die in a fire for all I care.

Teachers who push 'social interactions' and then get pissy when you talk to other students.
I sincerely hope you die in a car accident.

Teachers who scream at you for not following the vague instructions they give you.