Author Topic: things in public schools that piss you off  (Read 21705 times)

Here's a new thing:
Little Einstines.

Here's a new thing:
Little Einstines.

One student literally said that all day and nothing else except 'can i use the restroom' i have him multiple periods and even when he raised his hand to answer a question all he said was little einsteins
like i think he got detention and beat up? well i heard that in lunch but lmfao this has gone too far already

Jesus christ, I just left school and in school there were kids singing the song. It drove me insane.

Jesus christ, I just left school and in school there were kids singing the song. It drove me insane.
i feel like loving killing myself, its so annoying
Self Delete by stab ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kids who act as so:
Kid one: *Does something.*
Kid two: He said, *Mimics action*

He didn't say stuff.
Learn some forgetin' English.
i bet you're fun at parties

First off: Holy stuff, you're good at writing.
>le mayme aroez

you have people in school that sing little einsteins? lol are you in grade school or something?

idk i kind of like public school

i go to a charter school which seems a helluva lot better

randomly getting erect
Its even worse when you have a noticable one

At my high school I can name a stuff load of things that piss me off!
-Well a kid in my school made a finger gun got expelled.
-We got tablets no games
-All the junk food in the cafeteria was replaced with healthy food.
Just a list