Author Topic: SQUAR4D [102721] - Really?  (Read 12031 times)

How are we supposed to prove ourselves if we can't join? (Sorry if that sounds offensive)
How mature we see you outside of our servers. (Sorry if that sounds offensive to your qi is always the victim minds)

How are we supposed to prove ourselves if we can't join? (Sorry if that sounds offensive)
You don't have to be on my server to prove your self. If I ever come across you on the forums or ingame on another server and see you acting normal, Then I'll most likely unban you. But for now I most likely won't be doing that any time soon.

How mature we see you outside of our servers. (Sorry if that sounds offensive to your qi is always the victim minds)
The sass is real.

How mature we see you outside of our servers. (Sorry if that sounds offensive to your qi is always the victim minds)
Wouldn't have been offensive if you hadn't added parenthesis.

Sometimes we are not the victim. Take for example outpact's crashing spree.(He was banned from Qi btw.)

You don't ban someone because of what clan they're in. That's absolute BS. If you want to ban someone you come up with a legit reason like "incredibly immature" or "spammed servers" or "endorsing ratting" or whatever. Not "you're in a clan I don't like boo hoo"

look at your fancy forum qi

Apparently Cloudflare decided to block me from the site for a few seconds.

Anyways my ban reasons are truthful and have a meaning.
For example, I banned Outpact and all of his alts because he is a repeat offender of using Blhack and is generally annoying.
I don't want to have to put up with Outpact and his shenanigans so I banned him before anything happens.

Nice spam on our forums froth. So original and mature (he spammed research.)

Nice spam on our forums froth. So original and mature (he spammed research.)
of the stuffty fandom known as "my little pony"

Wouldn't have been offensive if you hadn't added parenthesis.

Sometimes we are not the victim. Take for example outpact's crashing spree.(He was banned from Qi btw.)
I get your point here, good on you for recognizing that.
*cough*maxx drama*cough cough*

Shame that espio thinks that banning people that you don't like is bad.

Nice spam on our forums froth. So original and mature (he spammed research.)
also the fact that i got unbanned from the forums in the first place

Shame that espio thinks that banning people you don't like is bad.

Apparently Cloudflare decided to block me from the site for a few seconds.

Anyways my ban reasons are truthful and have a meaning.
For example, I banned Outpact and all of his alts because he is a repeat offender of using Blhack and is generally annoying.
I don't want to have to put up with Outpact and his shenanigans so I banned him before anything happens.
Thats because you had a legit reason to ban.
I haven't done anything really stuffty (besides stuffposting on the forums) that I'm aware of.
of the stuffty fandom known as "my little pony"
You are being a total cunt you know
Everybody has thier own special interestes.