Author Topic: State of the Union address - barack obongo  (Read 9625 times)

Drones? We need to have a talk.

I meant Army troop levels, my bad.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001.

while i agree this is pretty ridiculous, and after reading through the article it is in a way, but it's for a reason

Even so, officials said that despite budget reductions, the military would have the money to remain the most capable in the world and that Mr. Hagel’s proposals have the endorsement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Money saved by reducing the number of personnel, they said, would assure that those remaining in uniform would be well trained and supplied with the best weaponry.

however, i see in almost no way how this is directly obama's fault for being a 'spineless pusillanimous individual'

also i think the article is saying it's mainly for defense reasons too

“You have to always keep your institution prepared, but you can’t carry a large land-war Defense Department when there is no large land war,” a senior Pentagon official said.

Wrong, this is from the new high in US and OPEC oil production, which Obama has nothing to do with; ever hear of Capitalism?forget you and everyone else like you who says this. All Obama did was sign a piece of paper authorizing our SEAL's to go in. The real people who got him is the intelligence community and the Navy SEAL's.Because this has gotten us to loving far. lel gon laugh Putin to death. Our president is a spineless pusillanimous individual, he continues to reduce our nuclear weapon capability while Russia and China continue to modernize their own, reduce our Army to Pre-WWII levels, and has absolutely no respect for our allies.

Obama is a tumor that needs to be cut off.

you seem to be pretty brown townly ravaged over this

Drones? We need to have a talk.
I get that drones are scary and stuff. But I mostly care about less military casualties. The fact is the military is adopting a lot of robotic tech that will reduce the need for soldiers on the ground or in the heat of combat. Besides, even with a smaller number our military will remain one of the strongest in the world.

still think that obama isn't as bad as everyone says he is


and for our army, quality of quantity. As the use of drones increases, the need for soldiers goes down. Thus resulting in less soldier casualties.
I just had an idea

in the future, governments dont send troops out anymore, they just send out robots. then they lose resources fast and replace those robots with arenas.

then it becomes league of legends

I get that drones are scary and stuff. But I mostly care about less military casualties. The fact is the military is adopting a lot of robotic tech that will reduce the need for soldiers on the ground or in the heat of combat. Besides, even with a smaller number our military will remain one of the strongest in the world.
No no its not that drones are scarey. Its just that they'll never be as effective as actual soldiers.

No, it's just because the old white douchebags (Republicans) have some crazy apestuff ideas about what they think would improve the nation. Obama has actually helped the nation, whether it's alot or a little.

Don't you mean BOTH the republicunts and Democraps have crazy apestuff ideas about what they think will improve the nation?

Libertarian ftw

Libertarian ftw
the government can't tell you what is and isn't flammable!

the government can't tell you what is and isn't flammable!
Well considering that they told me that pizza was a vegetable...

Well considering that they told me that pizza was a vegetable...

point taken

and on the issue of nuclear weapons: yes, its horrible that he's trying to reduce the pointlessly powerful weapons that cause more harm than good to the environment. We don't need nuclear weapons. And while I know other countries are going to continue to make them, that doesn't mean we should. Besides, we have defenses against nuclear attacks that don't require us to have nukes.
Absolutely disgusting, your post. Just liberal garbage. Nuclear weapons don't harm the environment you dumb loving twit. The nuclear material sits inside a warhead all cozy until someone decides to start a nuclear war. Doesn't mean we should? Are you loving handicapped? Why do you the Soviet's didn't try to pull stuff for 45 years? You launch at us we launch at you. There are absolutely no defense against any capable adversary such as Russia/China. Sure, you can lie to yourself saying we have interceptors; want to know how many of those we have? 26 Ground Based Defense Interceptors. Now lets take a lovely look at Russia's main ICBM; the SS-18, hm whats that? 10 Warheads a missile? Hm... and they only have about.....450 of them? Do the math. The only defense we have is against small attacks with our Ground-Based Midcourse Defense, Standard Missile 3, and the THAAD.

The only defense against nuclear weapons is to ensure the enemy that whatever they do to you, you will do back; it was the main Doctrine of the Cold War, Mutual Assured Destruction.

and for our army, quality of quantity. As the use of drones increases, the need for soldiers goes down. Thus resulting in less soldier casualties.
There is only so much quality can win, 440K vs 2 million+ million does not seem like something that would be in our favor.

Drones are not silver bullets, not even close. They are still early and rely on data-links that can be jammed or interrupted, a drone without the controller is a target.

And there is no replacement for boots on the ground, no-matter how much advanced aircraft you have.

still think that obama isn't as bad as everyone says he is

there's a land for anarchists, it's called Somalia