Author Topic: State of the Union address - barack obongo  (Read 9644 times)

That West Wing bit might've been the best thing I've seen all day.

Are you suuure im the one who's thinking in science fiction  :cookieMonster:

I think you're taking this a bit to seriously

there isnt a single legitimate argument in this post

This is precisely why they are especially effective at not contracting PTSD. For now, though, all American combat drones currently in action are remotely controlled by a human pilot, and drone piloting has proven to be one of the most stressful non-direct jobs in the Military.
Don't get me wrong dude (like you have been for the past several posts) im all for robo awesomeness. I'm just here to point out that eliminating the human factor will never ever happen. The same way communism will always be a failed experiment.
there isnt a single legitimate argument in this post
What exactly am i arguing against other than someone who thinks that machines will eternally outclass human capabilities? The only way we'll pull that off is if we create sentience. 

YOU may not know the military capabilities, but unlike some people I spend a great deal of time reading about global politics and defense.
Unlike some people, I spend a great deal of my time reading about science research papers, which makes me an expert at science.

This is precisely why they are especially effective at not contracting PTSD. For now, though, all American combat drones currently in action are remotely controlled by a human pilot, and drone piloting has proven to be one of the most stressful non-direct jobs in the Military.
My thought was lack of mercy/compassion for the "occupied" often fuels insurgencies like CIA or the Taliban. If the locals didn't feel threatened by American occupation I think insurgency groups like that would be severely weakened, which is why you want human beings capable of morals sometimes.

War is going to get stranger and stranger.

YOU may not know the military capabilities, but unlike some people I spend a great deal of time reading about global politics and defense.
Of course, because they always talk about their defense capabilities with the public. All of our defensive tactics and methods are shared for everyone to see because having secret defensive strategies has no strategic benefits.

Don't get me wrong dude (like you have been for the past several posts) im all for robo awesomeness. I'm just here to point out that eliminating the human factor will never ever happen. The same way communism will always be a failed experiment. What exactly am i arguing against other than someone who thinks that machines will eternally outclass human capabilities? The only way we'll pull that off is if we create sentience. 

My avatar has nothing to do with this.

If you think you can even define sentience in an objective way, then that is solid proof enough that your head is long gone up Asimov's ass. I'm not saying that robots outclass humans in every way, just that they're more effective in virtually every aspect of mindless labor, such as manufacturing and remote-controlled combat. Robots will always be the best at following human instructions, and this is exactly why they exist and probably always will be.

Unlike some people, I spend a great deal of my time reading about science research papers, which makes me an expert at science.
Who said I know their strategies? I know our military's technological capabilities, what they have, and how it works. Not everything is classified.

An example of where a robot would be more effective than a human, is with surgical work. A doctors hand can shake, twitch, be off just a hair. A robot, programmed by a human, can be perfectly precise. If robotics is allowed to blossom, it could push us farther as a species. Don't let movies like I, robot scare you.

My avatar has nothing to do with this.

If you think you can even define sentience in an objective way, then that is solid proof enough that your head is long gone up Asimov's ass. I'm not saying that robots outclass humans in every way, just that they're more effective in virtually every aspect of mindless labor, such as manufacturing and remote-controlled combat. Robots will always be the best at following human instructions, and this is exactly why they exist and probably always will be.
Christ you're on fire lol

you spent your whole time thinking i was trying to steal away your loving erector set and you threw a fit. That and you're terrible at presenting yourself which is why you spent all this wasted time and effort throwing strawman arguments at me. I'm not against drones. I never was. Human beings will always have to be behind the wheel of the whole thing and thats what im getting at. Try being less of a twat next time. I'd be more worried about you trying to argue politics because how thick you are.

I get that drones are scary and stuff. But I mostly care about less military casualties. The fact is the military is adopting a lot of robotic tech that will reduce the need for soldiers on the ground or in the heat of combat. Besides, even with a smaller number our military will remain one of the strongest in the world.
They aren't scary, they are worthless. Drones are too primitive to replace troops on the ground. They are basically disposable.

Air Drones:
Look at Vietnam where thousands of bombs were dropped on both North Vietnam, and on suspected Guerilla positions in the south. The north was dirt poor and couldn't even make their own ice cubes, destroying a bamboo bridge over there was like knocking over a plastic chair. They just would just rebuild it in a few days and go back to farming rice.

As for the Guerillas, no matter how many you killed. More would just rise up to fight the corrupt southern regime or join the cause because their village got napalmed or because their crops got contaminated by agent orange. The same can be said for manned aircraft. You can't replace ground forces entirely with air assets, its been tried and failed.

Ground drones:

Watch them topple over or get stuck in some piece of micro terrain.

other flaws:
Most drones are controlled from bases in the US with dude sitting at a computer. Communications from the operator tend to lag for few seconds and feed back from the drone to the operator teds to lag as well.

In a conventional war, these drones would be vulnerable to an EMP. Contrary to popular belief, not all countries are equipped with stuffty downgraded exports and crappy officers and soldiers. You can't just fly over every country and drop some bombs and expect them to cave in as fast as Iraq. A lot of them have or are investing in next generation radar and air defenses.

Such defenses include:
Man portable missiles:

Tactical air defenses:

and Strategic air defense systems capable of downing cruise missiles up to 400km away

They are basically disposable.

Thats kind of the whole point

Except manned recon has more longevity. Vehicles like the M3 Bradley and armored and carry electronic optics with a FLIR system and can scout out areas for mechanized forces to exploit the enemy. Vehicles like the M7 Bradley carry electronics for spot and designate targets for artillery.

Recon Teams don't run on batteries and don't need to be operated by a dude in a chair.