Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579 stuffposting autist  (Read 23742 times)

I just entered this drama. Here's my approach to it:

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I just entered this drama. Here's my approach to it:

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20 pages now

But he did see 19. When he posted though, he began page 20. So...

inb4 in a couple days afro ninja declares that it was all a ruse in an effort to """save""" his rep

see thats the problem im not going to sit here and give you "proof" .. what are you trying to do see my whole life outside this stupid fourm.

i gave you "proof" of my age and now look where that got me now i got people looking me up on fb

whats next im going to have handicaps bugging the stuff out of me while im at work

You son need to get off the internet and stop pretending you live an actual life you waste of space friend. Tell your mom I sent you.

you sir are the idiot they wanted proof i gave it to them, so shut your crusty ass lips
i gave my name and school with my id card. thats so personal
you posted a bunch of personal information online, for potential stalkers/other richardheads to use for stalking, harassment and other life-ruining stuff. you allowed such stuff willingly and ignorantly, so don't be surprised if something bad suddenly happens.

oh and another gem:
I'm doing you a favor by giving you the choice to stop.
what good is it doing me?
for starters, when you actually do it, it'll make you look less of an irredeemable failure, and all the posts calling you out will grind to a halt.
it'll also allow you to lurk a bit and adapt to the community's mindset, effectively allowing you a second chance - assuming you don't instantly start stuffposting.

don't you have homework?

i gave my name and school with my id card. thats so personal
Exactly, you gave out your name (which is pretty unique by the way) and the school you go to which is enough information to find any public connections you have online and expose even more information just like the way Rally did. You could've just crop the image off of the id or better yet just take a picture of yourself which would've the same goddamn effort anyway. Even if it's a small bit of information don't share it online,  it's extremly easy to find out more about a person online if you have enough info.

You're making a fool of yourself Afro, just give it up already. The hole you've dug up for yourself is extremly deep by this point.

you posted a bunch of personal information online, for potential stalkers/other richardheads to use for stalking, harassment and other life-ruining stuff. you allowed such stuff willingly and ignorantly, so don't be surprised if something bad suddenly happens.

oh and another gem:for starters, when you actually do it, it'll make you look less of an irredeemable failure, and all the posts calling you out will grind to a halt.
it'll also allow you to lurk a bit and adapt to the community's mindset, effectively allowing you a second chance - assuming you don't instantly start stuffposting.

don't you have homework?

lol no i do all of it at school. do you?

Exactly, you gave out your name (which is pretty unique by the way) and the school you go to which is enough information to find any public connections you have online and expose even more information just like the way Rally did. You could've just crop the image off of the id or better yet just take a picture of yourself which would've the same goddamn effort anyway. Even if it's a small bit of information don't share it online,  it's extremly easy to find out more about a person online if you have enough info.

You're making a fool of yourself Afro, just give it up already. The hole you've dug up for yourself is extremly deep by this point.

for starters i dont have a shovel so how am i digging a hole?

next person to post after me is a friend .