Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579 stuffposting autist  (Read 23733 times)

how about lets not
and expect people to like you and your posts? how about lets not.

i could care less what people think about me

You just sealed your fate right there buddy. I made that mistake once, you better get the backhoe to dig out of this one. The backhoe being used to drive away and take a break until things simmer down.

oh well im going to my story post see ya later

im starting to think the reason why this guy is banned is he's actually badspot

Hey guys, I'm ba--
you sir are the idiot they wanted proof i gave it to them, so shut your crusty ass lips
more like you want me to do you a favor .... how about you do me a favor
...oh god not again


User has been banned for this post


User has been banned for this post
Are you trying to forumcide or something? Eitherway I'm not even sure if that faked ban message is good enough to get yourself banned sadly.


User has been banned for this post
Badspot thanks you for the $10.

i could care less what people think about me
Show me how much less you could care by shutting up.