
Do you travel to the past, travel to the future, or stay in the present?

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12 (32.4%)
9 (24.3%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: You have a time machine, but can only use it once.  (Read 2148 times)

The past easily,  but not too far back maybe at most the late 90's or the early 2000's.

As a historian, I'd travel into the past.
Probably the middle ages in England however, since I'd have a significantly easier time adjusting than if I were to travel further back and join a foreign culture, like the Romans or the Ancient Greeks.

Thing is, I'd mainly be doing this for the pleasure of seeing it all as it occured, but the real benefit of that would be if I could take the knowledge back with me to the present, to share, or use to make findings.
So, if I had to live back then, I'm not sure if I'd want to go.

If I did however, I'd be tempted to change human history.
And the main way I would do that, would be by creating a few basic modern inventions/practices.
Namely generating electricity (simple with a basic turbine), advancing the idea of antiseptic and asepsis in order to greatly improve healthcare, as well as a few more procedures, like basic vaccination (Edward Jenner style), pasteurisation and hopefully the discovery of Penicillin.
The printing press would also be cool to devise, but I don't really know the exact mechanics of one, but I suppose I could work it out.

I don't think I'd be able to revolutionise the world within my lifetime in the past, but I could certainly bring things about to occur earlier than they should have. And thereby allow for others to research those areas earlier, and hopefully advance to our modern state. :)

Ancient rome during Caesars rule baby
(As long as I get to be a proud citizen of rome)
Mmm, what better time to live than in the middle of a period of intense civil war! You get like 5/6 years of peace after Pompey dies until Caesar is assassinated, and then you get another 15 odd years of civil war between Octavian and Marc Antony.

and you'd forget all the babes back then too right?
I'd seed the royal families of Europe, mate.

Mmm, what better time to live than in the middle of a period of intense civil war! You get like 5/6 years of peace after Pompey dies until Caesar is assassinated, and then you get another 15 odd years of civil war between Octavian and Marc Antony.
Ayy, those years of peace would be the best years ever.

I'd seed the royal families of Europe, mate.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

i'd go back in time assuming it would make the same age i was to when i met a girl that i have a huge thing for and go in

Time to insert my two cents.

If my life turned sour and there was nothing to lose, I would travel to the future.

Best case scenario I get on a spaceship to leave Earth before it becomes uninhabitable, I learn whether or not extraterrestrial intelligence exists, and I sell my present day things as artifacts to make a quick fortune.

Worst case scenario Humanity is extinct because of shortsightedness, and I couldn't go back in time to warn everybody because the machine only works once.

(The reason the machine only works once in this thought experiment is because I didn't want everyone to answer with "I'd go backward/forward in time, collect something, then sell it in the present to make myself rich.")

Go back and invest in Google
I am now the worlds richest man

And also play Runescape as soon as it comes out
I am now Zezima
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 09:09:01 AM by Landmineman4000² »

Assume the materials used to build the time machine was scarce.

Go to the future and bring the blueprint with you. The materials will be less rare and you can build another one.

sure as hell wouldn't want to go back in time

and not too far into the future where you have grandpa brain because of the new tech that you don't have any desire to learn to use