Author Topic: Re: Rughugger's Girl, Growing Up!  (Read 9719 times)

oh my god she is so adorable

quick find rughugger's current ip and rape his girl

User was banned for this post

this is why you dont post pictures of your kid on a lego forum, kek.

Thanks badspot, you're the hero blockland forums needed.

this is why you dont post pictures of your kid on a lego forum, kek.
Or maybe people could not be ignorant stuff stains? smfh

this is why you dont post pictures of your kid on a lego forum, kek.
What? The lego forum part of that makes absolutely no sense so I'm not gonna respond to it, but you thing Rughugger is in the wrong? It was Alcatraz. Your post should say "this is why you dont say you want to rape a baby on an internet forum". Sans the "kek" because ever saying that makes you seem five years younger than you actually are.

this is why you dont post pictures of your kid on a lego forum, kek.

classic maxx

wasn't his avatar zapk's

this is why you dont post pictures of your kid on a lego forum, kek.
maybe handicaps need to know when a joke isn't funny

Is anyone else getting redirected to a different topic when they click on any of the quotes that lead to his posts?
Kinda odd

So what did he post? I missed it.

So what did he post? I missed it.
quick find rughugger's current ip and rape his girl
not that hard to look at the op.

not that hard to look at the op.
I thought he posted like research or something and that line was just from it being deleted.