face removing bricks

Author Topic: face removing bricks  (Read 975 times)

is it possible to make a set of invisible bricks that can be used after a build is finished to remove the unnecessary faces off of the back sides of the build, for lag reduction and what not?

correct me if im wrong but blockland already removes faces that are completely covered. but im not sure if what you're talking about would be possible

something that can be used to get rid of faces that players will never see anyway, for example you have an arena build, players will never leave the arena, so any faces that are on the outside of the arena can be removed, purely for performance reasons.

EDIT, i actually thought about this for like five seconds, you could just make bricks with only one face, when planted next to another brick blockland will simply remove both faces.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 08:44:03 PM by zombekillz »

p sure part of the blb format contains information about hiding adjacent faces so theoretically you could just have bricks to do that

i was messing around with shaders one time and through a weird glitch i found that Blockland already does this removing faces stuff. so yeah it's already in the game 

i was messing around with shaders one time and through a weird glitch i found that Blockland already does this removing faces stuff. so yeah it's already in the game 
I don't think so

Yes. This is totally possible and extremely easy to do.

i was messing around with shaders one time and through a weird glitch i found that Blockland already does this removing faces stuff. so yeah it's already in the game 
Whatever are you talking about?

correct me if im wrong but blockland already removes faces that are completely covered. but im not sure if what you're talking about would be possible
Yes, this is true.

correct me if im wrong but blockland already removes faces that are completely covered. but im not sure if what you're talking about would be possible
that's true but i think he wants it so that unnecessary faces that the player would only see when going out the map are removed

He means faces of bricks on the outer walls of his build that normally can be seen except if you are inside the build.

Don't know why you would need it though.
It's not going to improve performance very much.

I don't think blockland renders faces facing away from the player anyway
if you're inside a brick, you'll see none of it's walls

I don't think blockland renders faces facing away from the player anyway
if you're inside a brick, you'll see none of it's walls
I think that's because faces are one-sided

I think that's because faces are one-sided

I don't think Blockland's culling extends beyond the face hiding due to sufficient coverage. Pretty sure it will continue to render brick faces outside of view or hidden by obstacles. Obviously citation needed on that, but I'm fairly certain. Regardless, performance gain may be minimal unless you're dealing with a lot of bricks; in which case other methods of optimising the non-visible build might be more appropriate.