Author Topic: Re: Kitty0706 is dead  (Read 24614 times)

holy forget screw you nal

I didn't say all doctors are idiots, just the ones in this situation. Calm down.
I heard he got another a few days before his passing away?
Never had a vaccine because I don't really trust them or need them. My body has an immune system.

It's funny how almost everyone in the topic is dogging me and hating on me, yet I am empathizing for the person that passed away. It means that most people arn't even reading the stuff I type, they just see what other people say and start throwing out rude comments.

Maybe I was a tad angry when I wrote that but the point still stands. Instead of trying the CBD extracts first, they went straight to dangerous surgery. It was a pretty dumb decision on their part; if they actually even cared for this kids life.

where we left off

forget off momentum
I removed you for a reason

So now you are angry because you had to make a topic to have a war instead of continuing it in the topic nal locked?

Uhg. I'm glad the other topic was locked, it was getting too out-of-hand. Sorry if I "ruined" you topic Nal, I was just having sensible debates and standing my grounds for opinion.

anti-vaxxers are the cream of the crop when it comes to recipients of the darwin award

Uhg. I'm glad the other topic was locked, it was getting too out-of-hand. Sorry if I "ruined" you topic Nal, I was just having sensible debates and standing my grounds for opinion.
it's your opinion now? i thought the doctors were idiots?

it's your opinion now? i thought the doctors were idiots?
Me calling the doctors in the situation idiots from the beginning was an opinion. Why are you having a hard time understanding this?

Hey, I don't really know but I think this all should've ended when uh, a study of like 8 educated people was posted that literally proved Goth77 wrongly.

I can't physically understand how an individual could try and go against something that has been disproved many times, by educated profs, over the course of many years through many studies.

Heck, he might claim the moon isn't real next, because he looked up at the sky one afternoon and didn't see it.

forget off momentum
I removed you for a reason
why'd you remove me tho
last contact i had with you was drunk on new years eve lol

Hey, I don't really know but I think this all should've ended when uh, a study of like 8 educated people was posted that literally proved Goth77 wrongly.

I can't physically understand how an individual could try and go against something that has been disproved many times, by educated profs, over the course of many years through many studies.

Heck, he might claim the moon isn't real next, because he looked up at the sky one afternoon and didn't see it.
The moon is made of cheese.

i was in the progress of making my own drama but then this was made

ill just take some of my arguments from that to here

It's funny how almost everyone in the topic is dogging me and hating on me, yet I am empathizing for the person that passed away. It means that most people arn't even reading the stuff I type, they just see what other people say and start throwing out rude comments.
yes, we read how you felt bad for him jeez, this is typical antagonization/victimization "you guys just dont even understand do you?? im the good guy!! why dont you people get it??"
I do find it "funny" when people attack my "stupid" posts because they are decently intellectual, and the people attacking the posts are actually the uninformed ones

go back to your Illuminati conspiracy community please we dont like foil special interestists here, "Yeah!!! forget cops!! forget the government!! forget doctors!! #hippie4life smoke weed open borders free drugs yeah!! the government is corrupt and wants money!!! #revolution!!!"

literally what you sound like

I just want to say that the comment about vaccine strain reproducing and killing the vaccinated person is the purest form of weapons-grade bullstuff I've ever read.

i was in the progress of making my own drama but then this was made

ill just take some of my arguments from that to here
yes, we read how you felt bad for him jeez, this is typical antagonization/victimization "you guys just dont even understand do you?? im the good guy!! why dont you people get it??""DECENTLY INTELLECTUAL" "PEOPLE ATTACKING ME ARE THE UNINFORMED ONES"
go back to your Illuminati conspiracy community please we dont like foil special interestists here, "Yeah!!! forget cops!! forget the government!! forget doctors!! #hippie4life smoke weed open borders free drugs yeah!! the government is corrupt and wants money!!! #revolution!!!"

literally what you sound like

You read the quote wrong. My posts were decently intellectual, and the uninformed ones were the attackers. Learn2Read? I never said open the borders, free drugs, #hippielife or none of that stuff. Your literally trying to belittle me because I support CBD aiding in the cure of cancer. It has nothing to do with the THC that gets you high from marijuana. Are you an idiot? Here is what you sound like:

"Marijuana is a drug JUST A DRUG it can never help people with anything! Proven studies that CBD oils can help cure and prevent cancer are just myths from a bunch of idiot stoners! Weed is bad!!11!"

I just want to say that the comment about vaccine strain reproducing and killing the vaccinated person is the purest form of weapons-grade bullstuff I've ever read.

This list goes on.