Author Topic: marriage equality in alabama  (Read 4119 times)

i don't think you're stupid, i wouldn't ever want to assume that. i bristled up a bit because you came in aggressively, and i should have waited a bit to respond so i wouldn't risk coming across in an argumentative or generally disrespectful manner, and that wasn't right. i have no interest in disrespecting you or your beliefs; my hope is to have a meaningful discussion in which all parties can take something of value away, and that takes a lot of effort on my part, and i failed to deliver on that. my apologies.

Thanks for the concern.

i come from a family that's stoutly conservative, Christian, and openly against gay marriage as well. so i suppose i think of them. it's not a negative image, but it's not something i agree with. i understand that you're speaking within that context, but you're also making general statements about the nature of marriage and that requires consideration external to just this individual contextualisation.

Well don't get me wrong I don't particularly agree with them either. I was speaking predominantly as what the majority of marriage is seen as by the majority of people. I understand that wedlock isn't a tradition that is exclusive to Christianity obviously but I was speaking in relevance to what the stereotypical majority of marriages are.

as for "civil union" vs "marriage," i still fail to see the necessity of the distinction. they are functionally the same; "civil union" only seeks to strip the symbolic connotation that "marriage" provides. this is a very human matter, so it's hard to really speak in concretes about it, but it creates a very negative mental scenario in which the victim party is somehow unworthy of the symbol, which is what really matters. as has been said before in this topic, people don't generally marry for the benefits. they marry for the partner, and the marriage is symbolic of their love. i personally don't think it's fair to deny people that symbol on an arbitrary basis.

For the record I personally hate the concept of marriage altogether. Whether it's under God or Obama or Poseidon, half of me thinks it's just a legal entrapment that means you can't break up with your girlfriend without giving her half of your life-long possessions. Forgive me if my approach to the subject is entirely apathetic.

Personally I think the entire controversy revolving around gay marriage is one rooted in Christian belief. I'm sure most of you would agree that the majority of people who oppose gay marriage do so on a (Christian) religious basis. My thought process from there is that when using the words 'Marriage' most people are conditioned to think of a church, a priest reading a bunch of bible verses, a big fancy white gown and a whole range of cakes and lovey-dovey stuff. When you try to change that, people get mad. As was said before, it can also be done in an office by a government official or the captain of a ship with no bibles in the room at all and as far as I can tell my parents or many conservative Christians at all don't really give two stuffs about that. So my thought process is why not make all legal marriage like that and take the priest out of it altogether? I guess changing the name is just a simpler way of doing it or whatever but hopefully you can see where I'm going with this.

ah yes majority rule makes everything perfectly fine
That's not at all what I'm saying but ok lol

You can say anything you want about it.

But the implication that what your religion thinks is supposed to take priority over decisions of citizens then you're going to have a long losing streak, lol.

hahaha who cares what a religion "thinks", stop saying nobody is allowed to participate because they don't have your worldview

The best solution is for people to be more tolerable of others.

Oh my....gosh.


I didn't really want to bring this up, but while gay marriage and marijuana are becoming more acceptable and gay people and stoners are always whining about not being publicly accepted, there are always other supposedly innocent things becoming unacceptable (notably religion) in public places and that is apparently okay.

I don't want to start a new kind of war, but it seems that the liberals who preach tolerance to everyone are being intolerable themselves.

I didn't really want to bring this up, but while gay marriage and marijuana are becoming more acceptable and gay people and stoners are always whining about not being publicly accepted, there are always other supposedly innocent things becoming unacceptable (notably religion) in public places and that is apparently okay.
The only thing I've ever seen people complain about "religion in public" is street preachers, the guys who sit there with a sign screaming at everyone that they're going to hell
Even most religious people I know dislike them
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 10:47:45 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

They're intolerant of intolerance

now, whether or not that's just as bad is up for debate.

I don't want to start a new kind of war, but it seems that the liberals who preach tolerance to everyone are being intolerable themselves.
You are so right. If someone doesn't like being told that they're going to hell for being gay, they're just a bigot. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to complain about intolerance when they themselves aren't accepting my God-given right to harass them.

I didn't really want to bring this up, but while gay marriage and marijuana are becoming more acceptable and gay people and stoners are always whining about not being publicly accepted, there are always other supposedly innocent things becoming unacceptable (notably religion) in public places and that is apparently okay.

I don't want to start a new kind of war, but it seems that the liberals who preach tolerance to everyone are being intolerable themselves.
Great, here's my answer to that:
The best solution is for people to be more tolerable of others.

You are so right. If someone doesn't like being told that they're going to hell for being gay, they're just a bigot. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to complain about intolerance when they themselves aren't accepting my God-given right to harass them.

Christian != Bigot

Just because the Bible says that, in this case, homoloveuality is wrong, it doesn't mean that all Christians are Westboro extremists on any scale. Most Christians do not actively persecute gay people; if they do, they are not Christians and ARE bigots. There is not one mention in the Bible that harassment is required for people considered "sinful" by any standard. Use your sarcasm for something worthwhile.

Christian != Bigot

Just because the Bible says that, in this case, homoloveuality is wrong, it doesn't mean that all Christians are Westboro extremists on any scale. Most Christians do not actively persecute gay people; if they do, they are not Christians and ARE bigots. There is not one mention in the Bible that harassment is required for people considered "sinful" by any standard. Use your sarcasm for something worthwhile.
Maybe you should reread his post, because he wasn't calling any Christian a bigot.
His only point is that "intolerance of intolerance" is a ridiculous claim

if this is about government marriage that includes tax benefits and the right to be at your spouse's funeral and at his/her side always ect.

then why are we bringing religion into this

people who love each other just want to be able to legally choose for the one you love, not the family or some stuff. these laws are going against that.
it just isn't fair. let's just end it there because that's all this is.

(and tax benefits)

except marriage shouldn't be a government thing
just a symbolic thing you can do if you want to make it clear you love someone

I didn't really want to bring this up, but while gay marriage and marijuana are becoming more acceptable and gay people and stoners are always whining about not being publicly accepted, there are always other supposedly innocent things becoming unacceptable (notably religion) in public places and that is apparently okay.

I don't want to start a new kind of war, but it seems that the liberals who preach tolerance to everyone are being intolerable themselves.
The great thing is that if someoe comes preaching to me about god and giving me pamphlets (thanks jevohahs witnesses), i can ignore them and walk by.

same with people being gay or smoking mad crack. Why should it bother me? It shouldn't, so I dont acknowledge it and move one.

There are just some people, on both sides who think that everything needs to be commented on, and that can lead to some harmful things being said.