Author Topic: In-Server announcement rotator  (Read 13900 times)

As per request, I have released this mod which allows you to make reoccurring announcements like the ones you see in many servers. All announcements are handled through prefs and will therefore remain persistent between server restarts.

/addAnnouncement <words> (You can use markups like the <color> and <font> tags here)
/clearAnnouncements (Super-Admin only)

If announcements were enabled when the server shut down, they will still be enabled when you start the server again (assuming your prefs saved).

« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 04:55:35 PM by Pecon »

Looks cool! Downloading.

Oh my god yes
Thank you pecon!

I hope this doesn't leave a blank dark stripe on the bottom of your screen all the time when there is no announcement like the other announcement mod.

OH MY loving GOD!
AMAZING, it makes me happy after knowing that evo_ forgeted up my donation addon request

I hope this doesn't leave a blank dark stripe on the bottom of your screen all the time when there is no announcement like the other announcement mod.
Nope. This announces things in the chat.

It's working, but it's not appearing in my prefs. What do? I'd like to change the message delays and stuffs.

It also keeps repeating for me, sometimes in less than the preset 2 minutes:

And I have like 6 or 7 announcements made, not just 2 or 3, so I don't know why it would repeat an announcement 2 or 3 times.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 04:50:27 PM by -Blok- »

It's working, but it's not appearing in my prefs. What do? I'd like to change the message delays and stuffs.
These are not RTB prefs. You can change the delay using $pref::server::announcementDelay.

As for the reapeating messages, it's probably because of something I didn't think of with the ability to start/stop the announcements. Do /stopannouncements, wait two minutes, then start them again. I'll probably release an update that addresses this.

These are not RTB prefs. You can change the delay using $pref::server::announcementDelay.

As for the reapeating messages, it's probably because of something I didn't think of with the ability to start/stop the announcements. Do /stopannouncements, wait two minutes, then start them again. I'll probably release an update that addresses this.
Ok, and is there any way to delete a specific announcement/edit one, or do I have to delete them all and start over?

Ok, and is there any way to delete a specific announcement/edit one, or do I have to delete them all and start over?
You can close your server and open the /config/server/prefs.cs file to manually edit the announcements.

Instead of: [Tip] can we change it to something else?

Also nice job on this.

Instead of: [Tip] can we change it to something else?
It doesn't do anything by default. You have to format everything on each line.

It doesn't do anything by default. You have to format everything on each line.
Oh alright I see. Also, what about coloring, is the format the same, like: <color:ffffff>

Judging from my chatlog before adding stripMLControlChars, yes.