Author Topic: Funniest moments in school? Vwhat?  (Read 1433 times)

my teacher drew a snake on the board once
it wasn't like that 'health' class, it was an actual history class

Once in sixth grade my teacher pulled up a some hardcore lesbian research while trying to pull up a video on some obscure video site.

Topkek.Twas the time after christmas, when the roads were slick, wetter than forget, snakes are not sticks. I was staring at a duck, how funny, when out of nowhere, a van, as white as a bunny. On the side it read, Joes heating. HOLY forget IT'S COMING FOR MY HEAD. It wasn't much of a beating, I wasn't bleeding, but man did it hurt. Moral of the story: forget school, it's for lurts.

Well, there was that one kid who came to class with a machete and started chopping up his books.
mfw I've worn a collar before
He came to school with this rusty-ass machete he said he had found in the woods (I smell murder weapon) and when the teacher told him he couldn't have it in class he started chopping up his science book.
It snapped and almost hit the teacher. No one was hurt, but still.

During PE, me and a few friends were goofing off on the bleachers while waiting for something. One of my friends is searching behind the bleachers with a large crack, alot of trash is crammed down there. We found a watch worth about $150 and some other stuff. We hit jackput: A bloodstained used tampon. They dug it out with a pencil, and started pointing it at me and the others.

Eventually, they decided to toss it out to the gym floor (while it being on the pencil!!). The reaction of the teachers when they came over later to see what it was was priceless. they never found out who did it either.

There was also this time when my Chinese teacher last year said "Sneakers", but it sounded like "mondays". He also misspelled "Homework" as "homwok" once. Nobody's perfect but it was funny

In English, we have this teacher with a really innocent-sounding voice who's very nice and always smiling. Keep this in mind.

My friend was called up to draw the setting of A Separate Peace. He drew and labeled something similar to a richard on the white board, and even though everyone was laughing, it completely flew under our teacher's nose.

Earlier today, we were talking about the party scene in Romeo + Juliet, and the scene where Romeo takes something brown townogous to LSD was brought up. At some point in the conversation, she says, "Romeo was trippin'."

Once in my 5th hour... oh god.
He is a very old guy, his name is Mr. Riggers.
He said "A student was suspended for calling me "a monday ass face".
Omg lol, everyone was laughing.  Someone said "say it again".
Riggers stood right in front of him, and yelled "A monday ASS FACE" REPEATEDLY in his face.
It was loving hystarical.  He didn't understand why it was so funny apparently. XD

I remember this one time back in 3rd grade when I lived in Atlanta, a friend of mine, Reuhen, crawled under the teacher's desk while she was off making copies of a worksheet. When the teacher got back and sat in her chair, Reuhen screamed as loud as possible and scared the liquid diarrhea out of her. He got a note sent home but everybody agreed it was worth it.

A substitute teacher is interrogating a kid.

Teacher: Mason, are you good?

Mason: Yeah I guess

Teacher: What do you do it for?

Mason: Nothing I guess

Teacher: Then you are good for nothing.

That teacher teaches everywhere so there is always a chance of having him...