Author Topic: Posts Against Blockanity  (Read 4599 times)

gay, I, die, richard

You suck _____.

I have a pet ____.

pickle with down syndrome

I actually found the fandom of _____ interesting because ______ but they would keep _____ me.

pudding; of my stuff special interestes; pleasing

My _____ has an _____ because Setro couldn't _____ his _____ .

My ASS! has an richard! because Setro couldn't stuff! his BOB SAGET! .

I really wish ______ was normal because she is loving ______

......the makers of Crash

Zapk is actually quite ____  I know this because of ____ and __.

Zapk is actually quite strange, I know this becouse of people and reasons

I really hate it when _____ does that with ___ on ___

Badspot, strap, carrots.

I don't know why I did ______, but it felt so ______.

LSD, trippy.

Why must ____ do this to me!?

the biggest, blackest richard

I'm so glad I decided to _____ at the _____.



______ _____ _______ _______ _____ ____ _____ well!

communist pigs can suck my duck very

If _____ is _____ but then who was _____?

Moral Oral, Frankenhole, Assy Mcgee

One day I shall finally ____. The day before that day I'm definitely going to ____ before ___ _____

Rule the world; stuff; eating; lunch

Krusty ____ is the _____ for ___.