Author Topic: Russia BL_ID 2236?  (Read 6238 times)

I actually witnessed Russia spam a server one time with events and try to blame it on me lol.
I ended up telling to host to clear Russia's bricks and then the spamming suddenly stopped after he did. (Wow, strange huh?)
Of course, I don't have evidence of this because the host didn't seem to care and said he was shutting down to go to bed.
This happened on 02/08/15, according to my script that checks when I last met somebody. BLID 2236, Name: Russia.

It's fine if people don't believe me, but I'm saying that Russia isn't necessary fully innocent here. He's being accused of wrong doing.

I actually witnessed Russia spam a server one time with events and try to blame it on me lol.
I ended up telling to host to clear Russia's bricks and then the spamming suddenly stopped after he did. (Wow, strange huh?)
Of course, I don't have evidence of this because the host didn't seem to care and said he was shutting down to go to bed.
This happened on 02/08/15, according to my script that checks when I last met somebody. BLID 2236, Name: Russia.

It's fine if people don't believe me, but I'm saying that Russia isn't necessary fully innocent here. He's being accused of wrong doing.


thesis: you are both idiots

thesis over

I'm just going to save the administration the headache of dealing with you in the future and perma you both.

Also, russia is a close friend to tezuni so if you insult russia, you'll piss off tez.

it always freaks me out when tenshi gets serious

I'm just going to save the administration the headache of dealing with you in the future and perma you both.

Also, russia is a close friend to tezuni so if you insult russia, you'll piss off tez.

lol, nobody was in the right here i think

I'm just going to save the administration the headache of dealing with you in the future and perma you both.

Also, russia is a close friend to tezuni so if you insult russia, you'll piss off tez.

Very true

I'm just going to save the administration the headache of dealing with you in the future and perma you both.

Also, russia is a close friend to tezuni so if you insult russia, you'll piss off tez.

Sure i can understand your reasoning

I'm just going to save the administration the headache of dealing with you in the future and perma you both.

Also, russia is a close friend to tezuni so if you insult russia, you'll piss off tez.

i respect the server staff as well as love the server itself.  I think Russia is a fine Super Admin, i never ran into any problems on any server involving him, and when he was Tezuni's servers he was friendly and helpful. 

Omg there are so many things wrong here, it is bothering the stuff out of me:
... bro do you even forum?

The fact that the guys name is bot24 tells me that maybe he is an alt

lastly: the first page is stretched because of the gigantic picture link

Disregard what i have said, i was pissed off at the moment.

Are you trying to prove something there's no proof and just posting a meme doesn't cover the evidence
no im not try to prove anything, i was mad at the moment and when the page stretched for me, i raged a little.  Sorry, if i could delete what i said, i would

shamester, please realize that you can quote more than one post at a time. thanks.

shamester, please realize that you can quote more than one post at a time. thanks.
Ok, I realize that, I was panicking, therefore I was also confused at the moment when I replied to all of those.
Here is what I think: I think that Russia is a fine Super Admin, I don't think he is a bad person and I think that he is very helpful when you have question about the server.

no im not try to prove anything, i was mad at the moment and when the page stretched for me, i raged a little.  Sorry, if i could delete what i said, i would

Why did you quote Google_Glass here?  Pretty sure he directed that at Bot24 and not you.