Author Topic: so a chemical plant exploded in the Ukraine  (Read 4208 times)

>95% of man made explosions with mushroom clouds are nukes
>"absurd" and "funny" to assume it was a nuke from the mushroom cloud

seems like a fairly logical guess to me. If I were them I wouldn't jump to conclusions, but I wouldn't exclude "nuke" from my list of suspicions.

Very few explosions have been as large as nuclear explosions. Those are megaton explosives. Again, he said a large explosion. This is a chemical plant, I'm sure it has the yield to do this.

>95% of man made explosions with mushroom clouds are nukes

Man, it's almost as if you know nothing about what causes mushroom clouds to form!

They think they're literally talking to us in person, the idiots.

Dooble finds the immersion level of the internet to be lacking

artillery fire from russia im guessing

Dooble finds the immersion level of the internet to be lacking
perhaps he should come to my e-house and fight with me
be warned, I have a 3024kb/s download rate and I'm not afraid to use all of it

I would have stuff my pants had I been there looking at the explosion.

Man, it's almost as if you know nothing about what causes mushroom clouds to form!
I'm having trouble determining what exactly you're trying to get across here. Was it because I didn't add "large" infront of "mushroom cloud"? dang, was really hoping the context would help there..

Very few explosions have been as large as nuclear explosions. Those are megaton explosives. Again, he said a large explosion. This is a chemical plant, I'm sure it has the yield to do this.
no, he's saying it's unreasonable to assume or at least consider the possibility of it being from a nuclear explosion. it's not unreasonable to have it at least cross the mind- the shockwave, considerable size and light produced, etc. of course I acknowledge that other things besides nukes can create large mushroom clouds- MOABs, this chemical plant, anything that can generate lots of convection. but lots of people will connect "big mushroom cloud" with nukes, because that's a familiar characteristic of them.

Very few explosions have been as large as nuclear explosions. Those are megaton explosives. Again, he said a large explosion. This is a chemical plant, I'm sure it has the yield to do this.
Err wrong, a Nuclear weapon doesn't need to be megaton class. The average size of warheads on US ICBM's are 400KT, and the B-61 Bomb has 120KT. There are nuclear weapons as small as 5000T for tactical use.

Ukraine has the worst luck when it comes to experimental things. First a nuclear power plant, now this.

2016: Ukraine begins to put large glass domes over all factories to protect people just away from them

2017: Ukraine regrets this decision

it's not unreasonable to have it at least cross the mind- the shockwave, considerable size and light produced, etc. of course I acknowledge that other things besides nukes can create large mushroom clouds- MOABs, this chemical plant, anything that can generate lots of convection. but lots of people will connect "big mushroom cloud" with nukes, because that's a familiar characteristic of them.
But there's a difference between it crossing your mind and you making a forum thread about it, literally saying it was a nuclear weapon in the title, just because you saw a mushroom cloud, and didn't want to take a few seconds to Google it.

well as if things couldn't get any better for ukraine

I haven't been able to watch the video, but I've gathered from this thread that many people think it was a nuclear weapon because of a mushroom cloud. Which is funny, and absurd. There's nothing special about a nuclear weapon that makes a mushroom cloud. Any large, hot explosion will.
(I don't imagine there could be a cold explosion, adding "hot" is just a hint as to why mushroom clouds occur.)

And brightness certainly isn't a clue, either. Christ.

No, because the explosion was loving huge and the shockwave caused damage miles away. Not because it was a mushroom cloud, though that certainly contributed to it.