Author Topic: Sawky2015  (Read 3648 times)

Sorry that I couldn't provide some pictures, put I do have eye witnesses, Assasin pro and Edgy
your sarcasm meter is broken
go get replacement one

your sarcasm meter is broken
go get replacement one
Don't see any sarcasm in this

your sarcasm meter is broken
go get replacement one
What he said had nothing to do with the sarcasm

I regret making this post. I realized that it's not good to hold grudges, it's just the fact that we've been "friends" until the big fight at Tezuni's Prison Escape. I'm making a Drama wall saying to stop petty grudges. /support maybe?

hapnes to m3 all the fukn tim man, *sob* tey dont undrstand!!1!!!111

 /support you should become a lawyer ;).

This douche of a 9 year old told me out for jokingly saying "I hate you" because he made me fail the Baldr at Tenzuni's prison escape. can  anyone relate to, or to the jerkiness of him?

I'm not sure it works like that, you kind of.. lack proof..