Oh no, vacuous black people have threatened my life and property, injure my emotions and are trash to the community and I'm tribal for 0 reason.
Man, that Sheepocalypse guy sure is selfish.
You want to dedicate a term known to be derogatory to blacks in general to refer to those blacks that fit your definition of 'trash' and you are
not tribal?
I was insulted by white people back at my old school and even a former friend(who had the bright idea to call me a monday for no reason and tried to fight me afterwards). Every youtube video or every reddit link with a mention or visual representation of a black person is met by commenters calling them 'mondays' and 'apes', even when it did not warrant such a response.
Yes, 'vacuos' white people have threatened my life and property, injure my emotions and have actually trashed
my community by being vandals, but do you see me going around hating white people and generalizing them?