Author Topic: Alternat¡ve - just wow  (Read 21781 times)

maxx is an immature child that causes problems left and right (I've experienced this firsthand time and time again) and wishes death upon others for no reason
so yes, he's a problem user. if you really think he isn't then you need to redefine your definition of "problem user."

maxx is an immature child that causes problems left and right (I've experienced this firsthand time and time again) and wishes death upon others for no reason
so yes, he's a problem user. if you really think he isn't then you need to redefine your definition of "problem user."
i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
i wonder if how you defined me wishing death (which you brought up from 2 months ago, sheesh can you hold a grudge that long?) was me rooting for furries to be gassed one time and then apologizing realizing i was going to far.
keep in mind, there were several other people in the topic laughing and having their eyes roll out their loving head from laughter, but i was the only one being blasted out of proportion with videos with my face on some stupid loving hatred trailer.
i seriously am starting to see the double standard here

to be fair that was a pretty bad thing to say

i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
i wonder if how you defined me wishing death (which you brought up from 2 months ago, sheesh can you hold a grudge that long?) was me rooting for furries to be gassed one time and then apologizing realizing i was going to far.
keep in mind, there were several other people in the topic laughing and having their eyes roll out their loving head from laughter, but i was the only one being blasted out of proportion with videos with my face on some stupid loving hatred trailer.
i seriously am starting to see the double standard here

You're notoriously anti-fur, I can see why people would take you seriously.

i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
My definition of a problem user is a user who constantly creates problems for absolutely no good reason. Hence problem   user. Ever since you've joined this forum you've constantly created problems and headaches for others. You fit the definition perfectly, there is no double standard.

i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
You've had what, 8 bans to learn what the "boundaries" are?

can we go back on topic this happens whenever maxx posts

this drama is not about maxx, take it elsewhere

i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
Oh hush lol. You've been told again and again and again by people why they think you are annoying. If you don't know the boundaries by now you never will. You are a vulgar, hateful child who uses profanity in every post he makes.

Don't try saying you don't know the boundaries.

i wonder if your definition of problem user is a 12 year old trying to be a part of a community on a game forum and not knowing what the boundaries are for such forum
Lmao don't give us that bullstuff. I been here since I was 8 and I still knew the "boundaries" of the forum.

didnt you say you didnt want to get involved in this stuff before?
yeah like 3 times, then i made a comic about it and you and aoki went on witch hunt to try to antagonize me for making it because "brockrand comics have never shown over-exaggerated views like rockinboys before!!"

didnt you say you didnt want to get involved in this stuff before?
rockinboy just overexaggerated it for humor purposes