Author Topic: Alternat¡ve - just wow  (Read 21782 times)

its okay, we understand
your 17 years of experience hasn't really shown yet
everybody just gets sick of your bullstuff and when the same group of people realize it you call it a clique to shade yourself from the truth
"everybody just gets sick of your bullstuff and when the same group of people realize it you call it a clique to shade yourself from the truth"
maxx, i'm pretty sure that every time i've seen you you've done some stupid stuff
forgeted a jewelbag, you hate furries, you have to provide some kind of damage control everywhere you go, and you  still don't understand why people don't like you
no offense dude but go spend some time at
Purse Future Salt Pillars anonymous
and come back when they teach you how to function in society since you obviously can't
oh man, can you be that sad to the point where you throw rocks when the rocks are a joke used for fun purposes?
you're literally using a joke i made against myself
are you high

so disagreeing with your stuff = i have no attention span?
w0t m8

Nice sidestep mate, next time try harder

"everybody just gets sick of your bullstuff and when the same group of people realize it you call it a clique to shade yourself from the truth"
maxx, i'm pretty sure that every time i've seen you you've done some stupid stuff
forgeted a jewelbag, you hate furries, you have to provide some kind of damage control everywhere you go, and you  still don't understand why people don't like you
no offense dude but go spend some time at and come back when they teach you how to function in society since you obviously can't
im pretty sure the tucking thread was a joke and nobody kept using it against soukuw to try and humiliate him

im pretty sure the tucking thread was a joke and nobody kept using it against soukuw to try and humiliate him
Pretty sure soukuw isn't an insufferable starfish who is hated by a majority of the forum.

Pretty sure soukuw isn't an insufferable starfish who is hated by a majority of the forum.

im pretty sure the tucking thread was a joke and nobody kept using it against soukuw to try and humiliate him
and i'm pretty sure soukuw isn't a known handicap who does dumb stuff all the time
what's the difference here
Pretty sure soukuw isn't an insufferable starfish who is hated by a majority of the forum.
this too lol
like i hated you before i even met you because literally everyone i ever heard talk about you just talked stuff about you and i know why now

Are you trying to insinuate that I am wrong because that would be the biggest joke in this entire thread.

All the regulars responding in this thread are making complete fools of themselves at this point. This is doing nothing but making you all look bad.

its pretty pathetic when alternative tries to derail his own drama

Pretty sure soukuw isn't an insufferable starfish who is hated by a majority of the forum.

Well, he has his moments... but not as bad as maxx.

My money is in the gayest nerd
sorry you can't bet on yourself

ever notice how only like 6 people are ever really arguing in a drama thread.

ever notice how only like 6 people are ever really arguing in a drama thread.
Ever notice that like, 3 of the 6 people are the same ones always arguing?