Author Topic: Alternat¡ve - just wow  (Read 20236 times)

and now this is turning into buttbuddy circlejerk A versus buttbuddy circlejerk B

I can't even tell if these clowns are joking or not

okay really how did this become a fight like this

okay really how did this become a fight like this
twas predestined

I can't even tell if these clowns are joking or not
they are joking, that copy pasta is all over tumblr

okay really how did this become a fight like this

Gee I dunno

okay really how did this become a fight like this
Obama did it.

buttbuddy circlejerk A versus buttbuddy circlejerk B
holy stuff wow you used both words in the same sentence twice
i just, wow.

holy stuff wow you used both words in the same sentence twice
i just, wow.
As if Flat did anything wrong for doing so?

Kochie I don't know if you realize it but this drama is already bad enough and your presence here is noticeably unpleasant, even in this context.  Please just leave this thread and do not come back.  As an outside observer to your specific conflict, you're far more of a hypocrite here, you're jumping to conclusions and are just trying to pick any possible fight you can.  Whether you agree or not, Rockinboy did the more honorable thing by trying to argue calmly and when seeing that he could get nowhere, left it alone.

I don't care if you disagree with my views of the nature of the core drama.  The fact still remains that certain individuals in this thread are using archaic rhetoric and it's getting nowhere.

But I don't know.  Maybe your entire prerogative is to point attention to yourself or perhaps to satisfy a condescending one-man circlejerk.  I don't know what you want, but you're just acting disgracefully here any way you put it.

^ignore him you've done nothing wrong koch

^ignore him you've done nothing wrong koch
When you join a stuff-throwing war, you cannot be clean, no matter how hard you try.

When you join a stuff-throwing war, you cannot be clean, no matter how hard you try.
what if i wear some kind of hazmat suit or perhaps a human sized gerbil ball

aoki are you just spewing random stuff to cover the fact you lost the argument

aoki are you just spewing random stuff to cover the fact you lost the argument