Author Topic: Cca  (Read 31102 times)

Too bad Badspot left some of his work unfinished.

I wonder who got Compy's name..


That wasn't directed at Facepalm if that's what this implies

That wasn't directed at Facepalm if that's what this implies
was it directed at me

was it directed at me
there are many annoying pricks and habitual problem users worse than you. don't think so highly of yourself.

there are many annoying pricks and habitual problem users worse than you. don't think so highly of yourself.
i gave lightbox the key attached to his forum account though

Too bad Badspot left some of his work unfinished.
e.g. outpact, outpact and oupact

holy forget
i really feel bad for badspot that he has to deal with this hack bullstuff

That wasn't directed at Facepalm if that's what this implies
i hope it was directed at maxx

there are many annoying pricks and habitual problem users worse than you. don't think so highly of yourself.
i gave lightbox the key attached to his forum account though

for some reason, bragging about your friend behavior is seen as "thinking highly of yourself"

i hope it was directed at maxx

I won't say names, affirm, or deny anyone.

for some reason, bragging about your friend behavior is seen as "thinking highly of yourself"
that's what some problem users think is cool/okay so i just went along

holy forget
i really feel bad for badspot that he has to deal with this hack bullstuff

maxx your 12

maxx your 12
that's not relevant at all here
but gj trying to start stuff i guess