Author Topic: 2015/02/17 - PAX East Booth  (Read 89450 times)

Day 1 complete, my feet hurt a lot.

Was unable to get picture of the whole booth decently but my friend got a good shot of my setup.

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People seem to be loving the games so far.
I came. If only I could be there.

should've recorded stuff

Did you give out any Quaff Potions

What does it say at the bottom? The text is too low, no one can read it.

What does it say at the bottom? The text is too low, no one can read it.

I can't read it either.

Trading cards came in,

how'd you make such high quality cards? i always wanted to make some as gifts for my friends

Forgettable Dungeon looks pretty neato

look in the background. not taken by me

those are some gay-ass friends in the background

leljk luv u baddy and rotondo

look in the background. not taken by me

That's actually steve, our producer, next to me.

This picture came out quite nice,

The Mystery of Steve

PAX went great, really great in fact.

I will do a post-mortem thing sometime soon, but to be honest I'm still physically and mentally tired.

Three days of PAX take a lot more out of you then you'd think, I can only imagine what four days will do to us.

Did you get to meet any Youtubers?