Author Topic: Re: I have decided to change my life for the better (old thread too old)  (Read 2896 times)

The way you put it was exceedingly ridiculous. Feel free to PM me the whole backstory (or post it here) if you think you were misrepresented.
I just said I used to be transgender for a little while? Whats wrong with that? Maybe because English is not my first language? I'm also not going to send you the backstory, I'm really private about it behind saying I used to be it.

trust me,
this is prob the better idea for you.
I think she already knows, the thread isn't asking for advice...
I'm really private about it behind saying I used to be it.
Then why did you mention it at all?

I think she already knows, the thread isn't asking for advice...Then why did you mention it at all?

I'm really private about it behind saying I used to be it.

Congrats on it all coming together! Glad you're that one step closer.

Besides waiting for the prescriptions to come through, has much else changed since?
The last thing you mentioned was having laser hair removal. Much changed in regards to that, or are you still in for regular appointments?

I think you mean "beyond" or "besides", not "behind"; at least, those are how I always heard it.

Don't lead people on then refuse to give details. That makes everyone think you're just full of stuff.
On that note, if English really isn't your first language, apologies for being picky with the wording.

I think you mean "beyond" or "besides", not "behind"; at least, those are how I always heard it.

Don't lead people on then refuse to give details. That makes everyone think you're just full of stuff.
On that note, if English really isn't your first language, apologies for being picky with the wording.

It's ok. This is my fault and I'm just being lazy. Following text could be considered NSFW/TMI.
I've always been a very confused person. It's like my soul is patched up from different kind of fabrics. I'm panloveual, but leaned more towards boys; thus I've dated them more, and I always used to be bottom and sub in some rougher relationships. I suffer from borderline and depression, and have moodswings, sometimes longer sometimes not. It affects me a lot. I also was really confused as to what gender I should classify myself under. Back then I used to be genderfluid, meaning I would feel like female or male at certain times. At one point I felt like the girl side was winning, and it felt really weird.
At this point in time, I was still with my ex, and my ex was/is transgender. So it was a big topic in my life. And I figured, why not try. I always acted like one, felt like one, sometimes already dressed like one.
I bought makeup, a wig, clothes, and generally caused a big hole in my wallet. It had gotten to the point where I got depressed if I saw myself in the mirror, and that I trained my voice to be feminine. It felt good, and I told my parents, they went looking for a therapist for it.
Then my ex broke up with me months later, and the feeling felt gone. Maybe my depression over-won it, maybe its just folie à deux.
These days I don't classify as anything, and don't look for love. I'm too mentally twisted for that, and anyone who asks me out will be turned down, and anyone who I ask out (On accident) will later be turned down.

Good to see someone actually stick to themselves instead of being held back by their Religon or with parents who won't let their son do anything.

Good luck.

Yet again, thank you all for supporting me in this, your support means a lot more to me than I think you understand.

Also, leave ForgetLavender alone please. One of my friends on Facebook detransitioned after he had a coming of heart and realized it wasn't really what he needed. It happens.

Damn, Vert. I never knew.
Good luck.

Can't remember if you answered this in the last thread or not, but are you going to keep all the same plumbing, or...?

Can't remember if you answered this in the last thread or not, but are you going to keep all the same plumbing, or...?
I was wondering that too.

Congratulations, I'm happy you're making yourself how you want to be!

I just received a call; My hormone prescriptions are being sent to the pharmacy today! If I wasn't at work right now I'd host a server- maybe when I get home. :)
congrats! that'd be so much fun :)

idk if you remember this, but i remember when you where bringing back one of your clans, and we started building a facility map to dm in. it was a while back, like i remember it was on the map bedroom too. those are still poster-memories for me for some reason

but im glad things are working out and you can finally be happy. i wish you bests of luck!!

Can't remember if you answered this in the last thread or not, but are you going to keep all the same plumbing, or...?

I have no plans to get surgery of any kind right now. It just doesn't seem necessary to me at this point in time.

congrats! that'd be so much fun :)

idk if you remember this, but i remember when you where bringing back one of your clans, and we started building a facility map to dm in. it was a while back, like i remember it was on the map bedroom too. those are still poster-memories for me for some reason

but im glad things are working out and you can finally be happy. i wish you bests of luck!!

Those were the days man! I miss the <BB> gang. :') Server's up if anyone wants to stop by!