
Is it.

yes. killed by colonel mustard.
20 (22.7%)
no. killed by miss scarlett
3 (3.4%)
killed by mrs. white
5 (5.7%)
killed by reverend green
3 (3.4%)
Professor Plum.
7 (8%)
killed by mrs pearooster
11 (12.5%)
with a lead pipe
3 (3.4%)
with a revolver
6 (6.8%)
with a wrench
4 (4.5%)
with a rope
13 (14.8%)
with a dagger
3 (3.4%)
with a candlestick
10 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Author Topic: Who killed Mr. Boddy in the study and with what?: the great debate topic™®  (Read 372900 times)

Philosophy, that's what this is. It does not require an x or an y, it requires linking info known to you, sharing it with others and reaching the most probable outcome of events and when talking about something so beyond comprehension to our minds, it is impossible to say that there are none of y. We have no comparison, we have no measuring scale, we could be super-minds to some species, inferior intellects to others. To simplify things so large, the human mind only takes into consideration the area he knows and shuns what is farther, that is the basics of tribal instinct. As species have evolved into more intelligent beings, they have gotten more curious about what is beyond what they consider their source and is why we aren't all located in Africa huddled over a camp fire. Some day we will be ready to step up to that next level, but we won't be a species that is like the one we are today.

Try to comprehend how large the universe is.
Now 100x what your most wild guess was, that's a bit closer.
There is absolutely no way we're the only intelligible life form.
I know it's big. do you know how long it's existed? I don't doubt that there have been or will be intelligent races elsewhere, but what do you think is the likelihood that there's been another one, in this galaxy, in the last 200,000 years? whether its at their own hands, or more likely because of some massive extinction, I think it would take quite a lot of tries before finally reaching intelligence. and each try takes at least millions of years
just talking about our galaxy. I actually do think there are enough galaxies for there to be some more right now, but as I'm about to say, that doesn't really matter
You can't carry off the hundreds of billions of galaxies there are and say that even if we are the only intelligible life form in our galaxy, we are a big deal.
sure you can. integalactic travel is difficult enough that every other galaxy is irrelevant. the large magellanic cloud (which I chose because I started reading Ringworld a few days ago) is 163,000 light years away. that's a long time, especially for a race of people that only live around 100 years
the closest "galaxy" is the canis major whatever, and that's still 25,000 light years away, over twice as long as we've been keeping track of history
and the closest galaxy comparable to our own, andromeda, is a staggering two and a half million light years away

more importantly, what reason would any species have to leave their galaxy in the first place?
whether they don't because they don't have the technology, or because they don't have a reason, if nobody ever leaves their galaxy, then the only thing that will matter to one intelligent race is what's within its galaxy

in any case, we are pretty important. we're literally all we know of, and who's to say another race would be more important?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 11:40:59 AM by Foxscotch »

I can't even
No human beings don't reproduce to fertilize the ground you dolt, we have a survival instinct for a reason. Humans, like every other animal on the planet, exsist to reproduce and propagate their own species. That's the goal of all life, even bacteria. It's fine if that's your own personaly philosphy, but dont claim that it has any kind of scientific relevance.
Humans reproduce so that their species can continue fertilizing the ground just like every other animal

And the reason why we have survival instincts is so we can produce offspring before our demise

Death is the meaning of life

Humans reproduce so that their species can continue fertilizing the ground just like every other animal
I can't wrap my head around this. why do you think we live to fertilize the ground? what led you to that conclusion?

there is no meaning, we were just accidental joining of elements

if there was one it would be to advance as a species whether it be biologically or with technology
« Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 11:55:10 AM by Maxwell. »

I can't wrap my head around this. why do you think we live to fertilize the ground? what led you to that conclusion?
Because without the nutrients posses in our bodies the world's plants would die off

Without plants our planet would be a barren wasteland

Besides everything we do is just to help ourselves so I don't think that is the meaning

i have this really good joke ok this group of carbon walked into a bar over the course of billions of years and assembled into a lump of flesh that asked the bartender what the meaning of life is

the bartender had moved billions of lightyears away when he wasn't looking and the lump of flesh died after a little while

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women

The point is too reach the end of the game.
In other words, forget bitches, get money, do drugs, and party hard until you die.

Because without the nutrients posses in our bodies the world's plants would die off

Without plants our planet would be a barren wasteland

Besides everything we do is just to help ourselves so I don't think that is the meaning
That's not even true. At all. Also, there is absolutely no organism on the planet programmed to die and become fertilizer. In fact, organism are designed to survive as long as they can. I'm not trying to be a richard but your idea is ridiculous.

itt everyone's an asshat about their beliefs

I think there is no, one true meaning the meaning of life is what you want to do with your life

I think there is no, one true meaning the meaning of life is what you want to do with your life

basically this. even if you have religious beliefs, life is relative and only has the meaning you give it.

Here's a new debate

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
car fuel can melt paul walker