
Is it.

yes. killed by colonel mustard.
20 (22.7%)
no. killed by miss scarlett
3 (3.4%)
killed by mrs. white
5 (5.7%)
killed by reverend green
3 (3.4%)
Professor Plum.
7 (8%)
killed by mrs pearooster
11 (12.5%)
with a lead pipe
3 (3.4%)
with a revolver
6 (6.8%)
with a wrench
4 (4.5%)
with a rope
13 (14.8%)
with a dagger
3 (3.4%)
with a candlestick
10 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Author Topic: Who killed Mr. Boddy in the study and with what?: the great debate topic™®  (Read 355831 times)

robots already control industry... they're indisguise...

robots already control industry... they're indisguise...
Exactly, and they will dominate another massive industry when self-driving cars completely decimate the transportation workforce. However, there's no reason to try and stop them from dominating the industry because we live in a capitalist economy and businesses will always choose the decision which favors their profits. The only real answer is "yes. imagine this: robots..." and "we should all become robots".

convert all industry to pillows
I know like where do I come up with these things

I fully support a class based society and low-skill workers can go forget themselves. Learn a skill or trade that won't easily be replaced by a robot. It's fascinating to me that people are content in life pushing a button all day and expect to be paid an exorbitant wage to do so.

I fully support a class based society and low-skill workers can go forget themselves. Learn a skill or trade that won't easily be replaced by a robot. It's fascinating to me that people are content in life pushing a button all day and expect to be paid an exorbitant wage to do so.
I plan on being an electrician <3

obviously it's not reasonable right now but if all manual labor in the world was replaced by robots that would be pretty nice

that's a nice bit of nerd talk there but what about the robotic aliens controlling the economy...

we trust them with so much but how can we know they're on our side...

robots already control industry... they're indisguise...

obviously it's not reasonable right now but if all manual labor in the world was replaced by robots that would be pretty nice
Without labor, no pay. No pay means people are buying things. If people aren't buying things, then how are corporations supposed to make money?

no pay, no means to own property or make income, no way for government to tax people, no way for government to exist

no pay, no means to own property or make income, no way for government to tax people, no way for government to exist


no pay, no means to own property or make income, no way for government to tax people, no way for government to exist
i guess industry jobs are the only jobs

Without labor, no pay. No pay means people are buying things. If people aren't buying things, then how are corporations supposed to make money?
I dunno if he means this exactly, but in an ideal world there would be no economy or even corporations.
Robots would do all manual labour, producing everything everyone needed.
Humans wouldn't have to lift a finger, and we'd all be fed and clothed and kept warm and housed, because robots were doing work to produce all that for us.
We'd just be left to exploring the sciences and the arts, if we so choose. (:

Actually, I don't think he was thinking this at all. I'm just getting day-dreamy.