
Is it.

yes. killed by colonel mustard.
20 (22.7%)
no. killed by miss scarlett
3 (3.4%)
killed by mrs. white
5 (5.7%)
killed by reverend green
3 (3.4%)
Professor Plum.
7 (8%)
killed by mrs pearooster
11 (12.5%)
with a lead pipe
3 (3.4%)
with a revolver
6 (6.8%)
with a wrench
4 (4.5%)
with a rope
13 (14.8%)
with a dagger
3 (3.4%)
with a candlestick
10 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Author Topic: Who killed Mr. Boddy in the study and with what?: the great debate topic™®  (Read 356087 times)

There's a game called Fahrenheit in all countries except America, WHICH IS THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT USES FAHRENHEIT AAA
that's relevant, right?
Also in my opinion Fahrenheit is the worst temperature scale
isn't it just indigo prophecy in america

People with regards to preferring the imperial methods of measuring:

England only half uses the metric system, they still have things like the pint, the pound, sometimes feet, miles where in other cases they use metric units like millimeter, kilometer, meter, etc.

The US is similar for example our military uses meters and kilometers for measurement of distance and millimeters to define ammunition and munition calibers.

centigrade is just as accurate as Fahrenheit is, all you need to do is add a decimal place.
1. wow what's the temp?
2. 21
1. point what
2. 6
1. damn

edited for californian weather
I believe he was using celsius

metric is much betr

fahrenheit is indeed better

metric is much betr
forget u brazilian

Metric is much better.

We don't need your handicapped arbitrary rollercoaster. Smooth scaling is good.

1. wow what's the temp?
2. 21
1. point what
2. 6
1. damn
You won't ever need more than 1 degree of precision in day to day life. If you need more, whatever temperature measuring instruments you're using, if they're capable of it, will give you just as much preicision in celcius as they would in fahrenheit

England only half uses the metric system, they still have things like the pint, the pound, sometimes feet, miles where in other cases they use metric units like millimeter, kilometer, meter, etc.

The US is similar for example our military uses meters and kilometers for measurement of distance and millimeters to define ammunition and munition calibers.
We use the metric system for pretty much anything professional, I believe.
But the more casual things, like weighing people, or measuring the height of people, or measuring distances/speeds on roads/vehicles, or volumes of drinks in pubs, we stick to Imperial.

But, then, if you go to shops and things, all our weights there are in grams/kilograms, and liquids measured in liters.
Even milk comes with the measurements in litres. Although the cartons usually have a pint measurement too for reference.

There's not really much of an issue with splitting the use of Metric and Imperial for different things, so long as you aren't usually trying to use both for the same thing.
The only thing I wish I was taught better was converting distances from Imperial to Metric. I'm rubbish at that, and I prefer Kilometres for distance. They make more sense to me.

I believe he was using celsius
doesnt matter cause fahrenheit is better

^ wrong, go & die.

anti homoloveual shield
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:32:24 PM by Maxwell. »

^ a gay which passes all barriers
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:29:30 PM by Nonnel »

^ wrong, go & die.
sorry you live by BORING number
like who even cares about water boiling at 100 celsiosos? im an american who lives ON THe EDGE! I dont know what point water boils at but thats okay because I dont even care! wanna know why? because im FREE