
Who smells best


Author Topic: Crown's Jailbreak [Christmas Event!]  (Read 313983 times)

nvm i read that wrong
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 10:38:36 PM by #Jeetlor »

If you read my post you'd see that the reasons only show to people who are staff.

Also I'm fine with removing the whole "renaming prisoners" thing I think it's dumb anyway.

Also I'm fine with removing the whole "renaming prisoners" thing I think it's dumb anyway.
Yea that needs to be removed if it makes you die either way. Either they kill you if you forgot your new name being Gom blobs (or some other random thing), or guards who just got back after being dead last round, that went afk/ Guards that can't keep up with all the renames kill you by mistake. I'm not blaming the guards, I'm blaming the seemingly unfair name change.

Ring ring, the server is gonna be put up soon.


But I'm starting to consider not hosting on a daily basis however.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 02:14:37 PM by Redconer »

Also had this happen multiple times now where a warden names prisoners "X" then says " "Y" stand on bed" referring to the prisoners. Then proceeds to kill everyone on the bed because its the wrong name. I don't think this makes any sense because its not like the wardens says to stand on the floor previously or any other commands I don't see why it would make it illegal to stand on the bed.
I think it was Shenagen who kept making a big deal out of this. I agree that it is a strange jump of logic, sort of like the prisoners are playing a big game of Simon Says or something. Crown says he's ok with removing renaming, so I suppose we'll just stop wardens from renaming prisoners now.

What happened to mini?

moon 2.0 preview....

click to enlarge

Will this be an extension or a different map?

"hey guys remember that awesome map we made" "yea lol we're making it better"

Will this be an extension or a different map?


okay the people that riot every loving round are the worst kind of people for everyone and i have a good and explicit explanation as to why
it's bad for prisoners because it just makes it a tdm and is boring considering it's not at all what they're looking for, and they end up either dying or killing a bunch of guards then dying
it's bad for normal guards because again, it just turns it into a tdm
but it's worst for wardens because them rioting every round pisses off the guards which makes them do stuffty things like suiciding in front of a bunch of prisoners and dropping guns, and it pisses off prisoners which makes it so that they continue to riot every round, including when the wardens are being good and making the server decently fun

there's literally nothing wrong with rioting often, it's jailbreak, not minigames to the death. competent guards can stomp riots easily unless if the prisoners are really well coordinated which is rare. also, it is a tdm, the only difference is that one team doesn't have guns and the other team can't kill without reason.

there's literally nothing wrong with rioting often, it's jailbreak, not minigames to the death. competent guards can stomp riots easily unless if the prisoners are really well coordinated which is rare. also, it is a tdm, the only difference is that one team doesn't have guns and the other team can't kill without reason.
jailbreak isn't a tdm though, it's a coherent game
if you wanna just do stuff and kill people in a prison head over to tezuni's

server is open thanks to your truly