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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1243752 times)

the sweep is pilot controlled im pretty sure
This is true, the Tornado ADV has an automatic option but it should still be pilot controlled. I would actually like to see the F-14 Tomcat but that would add to the large amount of American aircraft we already have, unless the nationality was changed but w/e


I fly to the AWACS for resupply from COMRO.
"As many heatseekers as you can fit on this thing."
: Roger that. We'll- oh. Oh dear. Something's happened.

Your hud tells you that every available hardpoint has been filled with an unguided bomb. Except that instead of an explosive charge, or fuse, or any of that stuff that makes a bomb go boom, it is merely a solid chunk of metal. Dead weight. You feel your aircraft struggle to stay airborne.

I hit the air brakes, drop flares and chaff, pull up, and swing my wings forwards, all (well, except for the wing sweep change, that's just to compensate for the air brakes) for the sake of evading the SAM.
The SAM flies straight by you, leaving you unharmed.

"I want all point-defense fire oriented in my direction, don't worry about friendly fire if you want to get out of this alive!"
Bell opens fire on one of the cruise missiles with a seeker and an AAM, she quickly bleeds off speed to shift onto the next missile, firing an AAM. After doing so, she sends targeting information to the carrier's point defense systems.
"Sorry... comms systems still malfunctioning... please repeat??"
The first missile is destroyed by your barrage, but the second one shoots past, faster than any plane-carried missile could hope to catch up to. The point-defense makes a valiant effort, but ultimately fail to stop it. It smashes into the fusion engine array, knocking all three starboard engines offline. You hear the frantic chatter of the carrier crew as they try to regain control of the craft, but it is very clearly starting to dive towards the desert floor.
: Hah! [Excellent shot! Now get us out of here.]

The RWR squeals. "forget me! I've got another SAM, inbound!"

This isn't my loving day. I turn to face the missile once again, but instead of going for a loop, I go into a high-G corkscrew to evade, hoping to keep radar returns at a minimum.
Fortune decides to smile upon you for once, and you manage to evade the missile without even needing countermeasures.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:01:33 AM by Qwepir »

Bell slams the canopy with her fist in frustration. "AWACS, contact headquarters, I don't think the carrier is going to make it."

"We're going to need some transport aircraft capable of carrying people and making dirt landings, salvage is probably not an option here."
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:39:56 PM by Operator¹ »

I try to drop the bomb-shaped dead weights. If they successfully detach, I ask for some actual  missiles instead of literally dead weight.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:45:17 PM by Gojira »

Bell breaks off to engage the Skysub, boosting away at supersonic speed and strafing the sub's rear weapon emplacements with cannon fire, she takes care in doing stress-inducing maneuvers in an attempt to throw off the LAMS.

The missile streaks past, and I take a second to catch my breath before pushing the power lever balls-to-the-wall and making an ascent, burners blazing.

After getting some altitude, I dive down, pick up speed, and unload all my missles along the top length of the ship.

no don't do that what are you doing


: [Without their resupplies, these wasteful pilots have to retreat. All we have to do is weather the storm.]


at least taking out the engine is now a viable option since the carrier ended up going down anyway
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:59:17 PM by Operator¹ »

I try to drop the bomb-shaped dead weights. If they successfully detach, I ask for some actual  missiles instead of literally dead weight.
They drop without issue, but the AWACS seems hesitant to try again.
: I don't think that's a good idea. COMRO is not working at the moment.

Bell breaks off to engage the Skysub, boosting away at supersonic speed and strafing the sub's rear weapon emplacements with cannon fire, she takes care in doing stress-inducing maneuvers in an attempt to throw off the LAMS.
After getting some altitude, I dive down, pick up speed, and unload all my missles along the top length of the ship.
The sub is currently nigh-invisible, travelling through a canyon, and trailing behind it both fake cloud cover and real smoke. You see the heatseekers explode, but you aren't sure if they hit the sub or a rocky outcropping. The AAMs didn't even have a lock, as they cannot "see" the sub while it's disguised.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:01:59 AM by Qwepir »

"AWACS, I've spotted out a good landing spot, how many people do you have on board?"

I watch the missile slam into the engine. A brief plume of plasma bleeds off, and the red-hot, sparking hole pours thick black smoke. The sky-carrier's wing sags lower, and it begins to roll. It loses altitude. I watch in shock.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:44:43 AM by Mr. Hurricane »

I follow the rest of Mjolnir flight in engaging the skysub. Instead of following it into the canyon, the way everyone else is doing, I dive on top of the center of the fake cloud and spray it with flak, before breaking off so that the CIWS can't hit me.
"Mjolnir, get out of there before you hit the cliff wall!"
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 12:35:36 AM by Gojira »

"What the forget are Turtle and Gladiator doing! Where are you, you god damned cowards?! We lost our loving carrier and you two richard pinchers didn't do stuff to help!"

"What the forget are Turtle and Gladiator doing! Where are you, you god damned cowards?! We lost our loving carrier and you two richard pinchers didn't do stuff to help!"

"God dammit why didn't I notice them sooner?! Turtle, Gladiator, form up on me!"
No response. I slam my fist against the bulletproof bubble of the roosterpit.

I look at my radar. Gladiator and Turtle are lazily circling about the edge of the map view, as if they were brain dead.

"Both of you should be court marshalled. We just lost a billion-dollar sky-carrier and you two have been loving each other's butts for the last fifteen minutes. I guess they loving call you Turtle for a reason huh?"

Upon looking at the roster we really do have a bunch of inactives.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 01:04:43 AM by Mr. Hurricane »