
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245603 times)

Tippy who had been on mess duty helping with the dishes and other kitchen needs, folds up her apron after looking at the clock.

"Alright. I'm out. My times up and my hands are raw from the lye soap."

The other person grunts and mutters some kind of goodbye and Tippy leaves out from behind the counter.

Her expression softens at his words. "I hope so."

"A lot of people just kind of... look for excuses for hate. One bad thing gets done by one race, and suddenly the whole group is at fault. I just hope that I've earned myself enough respect that no one will give me any shi--" Cualli breaks off, remembering that she's right next to Elu. "...Trouble because of it," she corrects.

Gus nods.

"Maybe, maybe not. I hope not but I can't say for sure. Could be someone you've never met after we land."

He thinks on that and laughs.

"As if you'd ever need to worry. You're stronger than most of the people on this ship, I'd reckon."
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 09:11:28 PM by CypherX »

She giggles. "Who do you think would win at arm-wrestling, me or you?" Cualli asks, hoping to lighten the mood.

Gus sits up a little straighter in his chair with a grin.

"I haven't had a proper workout since we transferred here..." His grin widens. "That said, I've still got you, even on a bad day."

"My job is my workout. Try me," she says, a grin of her own spreading across her face as she leans forward.

Jaakko appears in the mess. He goes through the line and picks up some light snacks and looks around the mess for seating or familiar faces.

He finds Tippy leaving the mess kitchen.

"Taylor," he says, wearing a look of displeasure.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 09:42:07 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"You're on."

Gus rolls up his sleeve and places his arm on the table.

She copies his gesture, grabbing his hand and preparing herself. Cualli flexes her grip gently and takes a breath.

"Count us off, Elu," she instructs; once Elu gives them the signal to go, she puts her full strength into it, struggling for any bit of leverage she can get.

Damn, he's strong, she thinks to herself. Keep breathing, keep pushing. Cualli watches as the upper hand switches between them, until she finally gets it and keeps it, slowly pushing Gus' hand down to the table and pinning him.

Cualli's eyes light up and she releases him. "Good match," she says, grinning. "I thought you had me there a few times."

Gus gets the feeling he may have bit off a little more than he can chew when she rolls up her sleeve, and a sense of mild panic sets in as she matches his strength easily from the get-go. Despite his best efforts, she pins his arm. He grins too, and his ears turn a little red.

"Alright, I'll eat my words," he says with a laugh. "You're stronger."

He rolls his sleeve back down, still smiling.

"Just wait, though. I'll get you next time, consistent gym time or not."
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 09:52:27 PM by CypherX »

Cualli giggles again. "We'll see. Maybe after you've gotten that proper workout in," she smiles. "The gym here really isn't as good as the one back on base, is it?"

"No, they're awful. Cramped and always full of crew going in and out of rotation. Pansar brought a pullup bar but that's hardly enough."

He shrugs and laughs.

"Apparently I need to work in with you folks, though, if that's any evidence."

He nods towards her arm.

Cualli glances down at her arms and gives a slightly bashful shrug. "Come down to the hangar when you guys bring home a bunch of things to fix and I can show you my workout," she tells him.

"But I also got the benefit of eating what's best before and after my actual workouts and all that, since I lived on base. Maybe it doesn't make a real difference in the end, but... it was nice to have a smoothie or treat or something I made at home to refresh me." Some of the excited sparkle in her eyes from earlier disappears as homesickness creeps into her voice, and her gaze drops to the floor.

"I'm sure you could find whatever you want up here with some persuasion - except for time, apparently. But I'd imagine officers have access to just about everything, though I haven't checked myself."

He rests his hand on Cualli's shoulder as her gaze drops, maintaining a sincere smile.

"We'll be getting leave after being in the air for this long, this campaign considered."

His smile fades shortly as he thinks back to the last leave after campaign, attending Geary's funeral. This leave will be much the same with two more to bury.

"Persuasion? More like intimidation," she comments, chuckling quietly at the mental image of intimidating something like a banana or blender usage rights out of someone. Cualli looks at Gus, seeming comforted by the smile and reassuring touch.

"I'm so ready for some leave time. It's cool and all to get to fly around on a giant carrier all day, but I miss my house, the bars, and... other things," she says, glancing away at the last part.