
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245927 times)

Faw leans back on the couch and sighs.

"50 dollars that Ellie downs him in the first minute without a scratch on her plane. Any takers?"

Markus sighs, and wonders why he agreed to this. He fires all four of his RGMs at Ellie's Wyvern, keeping her in his radar cone as best as he can.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 12:14:27 AM by Gojira »

Ash scratches his shoulder and takes a seat at the opposite end of the couch wearing a bored expression.

"I'd put my money on Scorch if he had actually kitted his Corsair properly," he replies, "He has the initiative. It would've been a clear advantage if he took more radar missiles like he should've."

Ash drapes both his arms over the couch's backrest, leans his head back and sighs.

"Ah, dammit. I really wanted to watch the Cavaliers play the Tigers today," he rights his head and looks at Simon, "You watch any Mercanan football?"
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 11:45:19 AM by NoZoner »

Ellie starts maneuvering to stay out of the Corsair's radar cone. She hits the turbocharger in order to close to missile range faster.
Markus sighs, and wonders why he agreed to this. He fires all four of his RGMs at Ellie's Wyvern, keeping her in his radar cone as best as he can.
With the Wyvern's stealth capabilities, no RGM lock is possible at this distance.

Ellie comes thundering into missile range while Markus ponders his situation.

Faw leans back on the couch and sighs.

"50 dollars that Ellie downs him in the first minute without a scratch on her plane. Any takers?"
: I don't think anyone's gonna bet against the Wyvern.

Markus opens up with a snap shot from the P3, before going evasive and dropping a string of flares in advance.

Ellie opts to move out of the way of the floating death plasma and take a shot at Markus with the LCB.

Markus opens up with a snap shot from the P3, before going evasive and dropping a string of flares in advance.
P3 accuracy 50
Gun range provides penalty of 20
Test taken at 30
Roll: 73 - failure
Result: Miss

The sluggish glob of plasma misses by a mile.

Ellie opts to move out of the way of the floating death plasma and take a shot at Markus with the LCB.
LCB accuracy 55
Experience provides bonus of 1
Test taken at 55
Roll: 56 - success
Result: Miss

The laser rakes across Scorch's fuselage. Damage warnings pop up on his HUD.

2 turns to gun range.

Ellie fires a pair of AAMs at Scorch.

"Oh, this is just unfair, maybe we should have that Morgenstern."

Markus sighs, and fires another snap shot with the P3 beforedropping two strings of flares and going evasive.

Seeing the fight unfold differently from what he predicted, Ash slowly leans forward, pulls his arms together and interweaves his fingers. His expression tightens as he studies the telemetry overlaying the HUD feed.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 12:02:53 PM by NoZoner »

Ellie fires a pair of AAMs at Scorch.

"Oh, this is just unfair, maybe we should have that Morgenstern."
Markus sighs, and fires another snap shot with the P3 beforedropping two strings of flares and going evasive.
P3 accuracy 50
Experience provides bonus of 2
Missile range provides penalty of 20
Evasive action (yours) provides penalty of 20
Test taken at 10
Roll: 44 - failure
Result: Miss

This time, the term "missed by a mile" is being applied more literally than figuratively.

Corsair base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 2
AAM 1 provides penalty of 35
AAM 2 provides penalty of 35
Flares provide bonus of 80
Test taken at 87
Roll: 94 - failure by 1 degree
Result: 1 missile hit

Despite the use of flares and tight maneuvering, the Corsair is still slammed with an all-aspect.

Ellie fires another LCB shot on Scorch.

Markus fires two HSMs before firing another shot with the P3.

Markus fires two HSMs before firing another shot with the P3.
The heatseekers take flight, followed by the plasma bolt.
P3 accuracy 50
Experience provides bonus of 2
Missile range provides penalty of 20
Test taken at 32
Roll: 93 - failure
Result: Miss

You overheat the plasma cannon, and your HUD notifies you that the cannon has been destroyed, damaging your hull in the process.

Ellie fires another LCB shot on Scorch.
LCB accuracy 55
Experience provides bonus of 1
Test taken at 55
Roll: 46 - success
Result: 1 hit to fuselage

The Corsair is finished off, with only the two heatseekers left to turn a loss into a draw.

Markus sighs in irritation, wondering why he brought perhaps the worst plane he could have.