
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245578 times)

Walter just seems to boil more, likely not helping his case of proving he's sober.

"That's why I'm not bloody knocking myself out with it! I only had two shots before calling quits. I know bloody well about 'emergencies' or surprises after having to scramble to fight off some Deltans and escape with the skin of my teeth," He starts counting with his fingers aggressively as he lists off "We lost the base, We lost one of our COs, we lost a bunch of personnel, we lost a great deal of equipment and airframes, and we lost the only competent leader Mjolnir had! I know when to stop myself because if that's the price we had to pay, only being saved by Geary; I can only imagine what would happen to this squadron if I wasn't ready for something like that again."

Walter huffs out and cools down a level after finishing and just scowls
: If you knew when to stop yourself you would've stopped before you even started! Do I really have to explain how alcohol works to you?

: If you knew when to stop yourself you would've stopped before you even started! Do I really have to explain how alcohol works to you?

"I didn't say you were wrong. So I guess I'm just running my tongue trying to justify myself to you, especially if you just smash another pilots head in instead of reasoning to prove a point."

"I didn't say you were wrong. So I guess I'm just running my tongue trying to justify myself to you, especially if you just smash another pilots head in instead of reasoning to prove a point."
: Right, because drunkards are known for their ability to listen to reason.

Kommandant drags Virvel to her feet and points at Frisk and Fang.
: You and you, come with me.

He leaves the room with his subordinates, leaving you by yourself in there.

Crash's conversation with Tippy is interrupted by Kommandant's arrival in the mess hall.
: Crash. I thought I'd let you know Walt was drinking on duty in the pilots' quarters with Virvel and Fang. I've already taken punitive measures against my men, you may want to consider what to do with him.

Tippy looks at Jaakko releived to have the subject changed.

"Alcohol consumption especially at this time in any amount can mean trouble to the mission... you probably should talk to Walt."

Tippy looks at Jaakko releived to have the subject changed.

"Alcohol consumption especially at this time in any amount can mean trouble to the mission... you probably should talk to Walt."

"Yeah- Want to come along?"

"Would be nice, yeah," Cualli says. "Hope my plants aren't dead."

She glances up in thought. "Honestly, I've lost track of how long we've been up here. Without windows and being able to... well, to see outside and stay in the same place, it gets a bit tough to keep up with the days. I mean, yeah, we've got the carrier's own timezone... thing, but..." She puts another bite of food in her mouth and shrugs. "It's weird."

Ellie tries to ignore Kommandmant's arrival, choosing to maintain her conversation with Cualli.

"Well, fleet time hasn't been the best thing to deal with. I liked it better when we were stationed at a ground base and not a flying carrier, it was easier to sleep then."

She sighs and eats another bite of her food.

Cualli nods in agreement. "Especially since we don't have a regular day-night cycle," she adds. "I bet it's going to be weird when we touch down again and have to re-adjust."

She presses her fork into her broccoli, cutting it into smaller pieces. "What's the first thing you're gonna do once all this is over?" Cualli asks, glancing up from her plate to Ellie as she puts one of the now-bite-sized vegetables into her mouth.

"Yeah- Want to come along?"
"Eh, not really a two person job but if he's feeling stubborn it might be."

Tippy stands up and polishes off her coffee.

Jaakko stands and makes his way to the pilots quarters. He finds Walt, still on the couch.

"Kommandant tells me he caught you drinking. I don't expect Bell granted you such permission. Not out here," he chides.

Jaakko stands and makes his way to the pilots quarters. He finds Walt, still on the couch.

"Kommandant tells me he caught you drinking. I don't expect Bell granted you such permission. Not out here," he chides.

Walter looks up from his book after a few moments


"And the forget were you thinking? We're not in Aesthia, we're deployed,"

"And the forget were you thinking? We're not in Aesthia, we're deployed,"

"Yeah I'm just drunk out of my mind."

He goes back to reading his book

Jaakko glares at Walt.

"Is that Virvel's snide-bitch attitude I hear in you? I'd advise knocking that off real quick. It won't get you anywhere," he rebukes.

Jaakko glares at Walt.

"Is that Virvel's snide-bitch attitude I hear in you? I'd advise knocking that off real quick. It won't get you anywhere," he rebukes.
Walter sighs and looks away from his book again to make eye contact with a bored face

"That's the point, I've already been told what I did was wrong. What's done is done, what are you even here for? to send me to the gym as punishment? I wouldn't mind that right about now."

Ellie pauses to think on the question for a few minutes, glancing over at Elu briefly. She looks back over at Cualli.

"I'm thinking about going into some sort of robotics research after all this is over. If that doesn't work out, then I guess I'll try to find some defense research and development job."