
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245673 times)

"Thank you. We will select a member promptly."

Tippy immediately pings the rest of the flight.

"For the sake of everyone here, supposed "friends" included. We have to decide who goes back to the carrier to twist Tark's arm. It's the best chance I see of settling this without firing a shot or taking blind leaps of faith. Otherwise..."

Tippy cracks her knuckles to release stress.

"We're going to have to make a decision which may or may not potentially screw us over."

"Word from me would mean nothing. I mean, look at the silver bar on my shoulder, that should tell you about how much influence I'd have."

"I still want to see one of you come with us to Tarkirov's group. I'll push you with my aircraft if I have to, I don't care. It's the least you could do make your words good it seems you've done everything possible to minimize your stake,"
: No. We're being lenient enough letting you send someone back to your carrier in the first place, we are not going to meet with your fleet. I don't care if you think that means we're "minimizing our stake" in this or whatever the hell you're talking about, we've stuck our necks out far enough by talking to you instead of following the original plan.

"Thank you. We will select a member promptly."
Tippy immediately pings the rest of the flight.
"For the sake of everyone here, supposed "friends" included. We have to decide who goes back to the carrier to twist Tark's arm. It's the best chance I see of settling this without firing a shot or taking blind leaps of faith. Otherwise..."
Tippy cracks her knuckles to release stress.
"We're going to have to make a decision which may or may not potentially screw us over."
: I'll go.
: Works for me.

Kommandant breaks off and heads for the carrier.

Cualli lunges forward and swings an uppercut aimed at the engineer's jaw, hoping to incapacitate him with minimal noise. If she's noticed Elu's violent outburst, she seems content to let him carry on with exacting his revenge upon the woman in the glasses.

Cualli's WS 32
Single Attack provides bonus of 10
Test taken at 42
Roll: 6 - success

Fist damage 1d5-3+4: Roll 4
5 total damage
Kintharian's Toughness Bonus 3
Total damage reduction: 3
KZG Engineer takes 2 damage
HP: -1/10

The engineer goes down, dazed and clutching his bullet wound. The one in the hat steps back against the door while Elu continues battering the one on the ground.
: [Oh stuff.]

Tippy sits back in her seat and metaphorically crosses her arms. (because she needs her hands on the flight controls obviously)

"Now we wait."
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 12:21:43 AM by Tayasaurus »

Cualli straightens up, looking down at the engineer in the hat. "Going off of the silencers and your friends here trying to kill Elu and I when we showed up, I'm going to take the liberty of jumping to the conclusion that you three are responsible for our engines going out," she says. Her eyes narrow, but she makes no move to threaten him. "Now, before security shows up to drag you off to goddess-knows-where, what the hell is going on here?"

"Bell, perhaps you should return to the carrier. You're as high ranked as Kommandant, and a good diplomat. I can lead the flight, and I have the ESAM. And if Kommandant stays, his flight won't lose his,"
Jaakko suggests, "If that makes sense, ma'am,"
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 12:43:37 AM by Mr. Hurricane »

: Right, I'll head back.

Bell changes her heading and heads back towards the carrier.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 04:39:06 PM by Operator¹ »

"Kommandant, I advise you stay, your group needs a flight lead, and your ESAM,"

: Right, I'll head back too.

Bell changes her heading and follows the other PAK-FA.
"Kommandant, I advise you stay, your group needs a flight lead, and your ESAM,"
: Whatever. Whoever's going, set your absolute bearing to 70 degrees and proceed until I give further instruction.

Kommandant stays behind and Ellie goes back to the Tordenskjold with Yamashiro.

Cualli straightens up, looking down at the engineer in the hat. "Going off of the silencers and your friends here trying to kill Elu and I when we showed up, I'm going to take the liberty of jumping to the conclusion that you three are responsible for our engines going out," she says. Her eyes narrow, but she makes no move to threaten him. "Now, before security shows up to drag you off to goddess-knows-where, what the hell is going on here?"
: I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is that you should head to an escape capsule before this gets a whole lot worse.

Bell changes her heading accordingly and resets the Flatline's sensors.

Bell changes her heading accordingly and resets the Flatline's sensors.
Bell departs to speak with the carrier, and after a while Musashi breaks the awkward silence that follows in her wake.
: Do any of you here even know why you're still fighting?

"Because the war's gotta end, and we gotta get the Goths to be willing to negotiate to end it," Jaakko replies in a stern tone.

Bell departs to speak with the carrier, and after a while Musashi breaks the awkward silence that follows in her wake.
: Do any of you here even know why you're still fighting?
Gaffe chimes in, trying his best to stabilize his comms.
"We've... We've lost too many good people to end this right before the end! We have to finish this- for the ones who aren't here..."
His static-y voice trails off.

"Because the war's gotta end, and we gotta get the Goths to be willing to negotiate to end it," Jaakko replies in a stern tone.
: More like you want to be the ones dictating terms. It's not enough to end the war, it has to end with a Pax Aesthia.
: Don't be ridiculous. Like Kintharia wouldn't want to be the ones making demands if you were strong enough to actually face the Goths yourselves.

Gaffe chimes in, trying his best to stabilize his comms.
"We've... We've lost too many good people to end this right before the end! We have to finish this- for the ones who aren't here..."
His static-y voice trails off.
: You want to hear ridiculous? Talk about losing too many people? I'll tell you what's ridiculous. This war started between the Republic of Gervesia and the Huitzitlatoani Empire almost five years ago. The former was bombed, occupied, and pillaged to the point of societal collapse within the first two years, and the latter imploded on itself on year three. The two parties responsible are long gone and the past six hundred days have been an utterly pointless flexing of the three biggest military muscles on the planet to absolutely nobody's benefit. You really want your Pax Aesthia? How many more years and how many more lives do you think it's going to take to make that happen?

: I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is that you should head to an escape capsule before this gets a whole lot worse.
"Worse? What did you do?" she says, lowering her gun. She casts a glance over to Elu before looking down at the engineer again. "Have you crippled the carrier for good or something? Why?"