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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245383 times)

"'Awe-inspiring' is a bit of an understatement," I reply.

"I figured I'd have plenty of 'firsts' in my time with the military, but I never thought one of them would be to serve aboard a flying carrier... I wonder how much the crew gets paid."

A group of carrier techs roll an ammo cart past you, shouting at you to get out of the way or get off their ship. You feel it would be best to go to your quarters, or the mess hall, or something.

Bell is sitting in the roosterpit of her Flanker, which has already been towed onto the carrier. She looks through a manifest of spare parts available for her craft and gives it back to a crew member aboard the vessel. Due to the fact that her injuries occurred just a few days ago, Bell's ability to fly a high-speed aircraft is in question but she didn't appreciate being temporarily grounded.

"Twenty-four seven hazard pay I'd bet. This seems like extremely hazardous work," I say.

I look at my aircraft, now secured in position. It's tail numbers are painted on. The cartoonish work is there too I presume.

The omnipresent din of the engines is a bit unnerving.

"Get out of the loving way!"

A cart of weapons is towed past. Technicians yell obscenities.

I look confusingly at the technicians, and begin shuffling out of the hanger. Two flights of stairs later, I arrive in the pilots quarters. A common room, public bathroom, and a couple dozen dorms. They are tiny rooms, only ment for sleeping and storage. I open one up. A pilots stuff is in there, but they aren't from the 514th. The pilot is one of the carrier air attachment's personnel. It's exactly as they left it before the battle.

I stand in the doorway. A bit shocked.

I head to the pilots quarters, not appreciating being yelled at.

Space on the airship is limited, so the sleeping quarters is really more of an open arrangement, with no segregations between department. Just find a bed and throw your stuff on it.

I toss down my stuff on a bunk and sit down.

I lay down and fall asleep, assuming (probably incorrectly) that nothing else is needed of me.

I fail to notice that the "walls" are merely curtains that can shroud the bed from the rest of the room. Steele collapses on his stuff and starts sleeping. I go to another bed, one that's clear and put my stuff down. I've lived out of a bag before, so how would this be any different?

hurricane what's your war thunder username

hurricane what's your war thunder username


[1COG] is the clan.

Morning comes and the call goes out for all personnel to go to their designated stations (for the temporary occupants, meaning pilots and McNamara ground crews, that means "just go to quarters and stay out of the way") and secure all loose items in preparation for takeoff. A few minutes later, you hear the thrusters powering up and feel the plane begin trundling along the desert floor. Gradually it picks up more and more speed, and the bumpy ride stops, signalling that the carrier is now airborne. Some of the Kintharian technicians look airsick already.
: At l-least the engines aren't as loud in here.
: Could someone pull the shutters down on that window? I don't even want to think about how high up we are.

I wake up from the sound of the engines.
"Oh, are we airborne?"

You get a queasy nod from the TSgt.

(Also, to clarify something if you're having trouble following and don't know where to start RP. If you have a character, you are on the carrier. Currently you are in quarters with the rest of your squadron.)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 04:47:01 PM by Qwepir »

I look out the window. We're pretty far up. The sand of the desert is marred with dry brush. The engine noise is omnipresent. I feel a bit uneasy not having a parachute, though I'm not necessarily sick, just anxious.

I roll out of bed and slip into a flight suit. Is there a common room around?