
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245413 times)

Is there a common room around
down the hall, take the elevator on the right down a level, and go past the escape capsules

also i guess this is a heads up that a mission will happen tomorrow that involves most if not all of the squadron
due to the logistics involved with being on this run-down carrier, loadout micromanagement isn't really feasible (you gotta make do with what you have, and what you have is leftovers), and so your planes have been given some "standard" loadouts based on your piloting preferences and history

(mlockha and blockguy havent participated in anything for a long time so i didnt make cards for them)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 08:10:53 PM by Qwepir »

why such a gay plane with gay armament

because you didn't pay attention and haven't picked a new plane and loadout since you got shot down in your A-10 almost fifty pages ago
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 08:10:12 PM by Qwepir »

Do I still get a jamming pod.

considering there were no ECM modules available even back at McNamara, then nope
be patient, ecm is coming. eventually.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 08:58:41 PM by Qwepir »

please fix pilot roster to reflect the fact that Bell is flying the SU-30 and not the MiG-29

whoops thats right i forgot to change that
its reflected in the cards, just not on the roster

I start heading for the common room. Once I get there, I turn on the TV to try and watch something.

I start heading for the common room. Once I get there, I turn on the TV to try and watch something.
You watch a bit of poor-reception tv for a while until a ship-wide alert nearly knocks you out of your seat.
"Action stations, action stations! Hostile aircraft heading toward the defensive perimiter! All pilots, to your planes!"

"God dammit."

I put down the book I was reading and head for the... hangars, I guess you could call them. Not really sure that applies when they're on a flying aircraft carrier.

Bell puts on her flight suit and gets back inside of the Flanker, strapping on the safety harness and closing the canopy. The engines spun up as one of the displays reported that all systems were running normally. The munitions are attached to the weapon pylons of the Flanker and she radios flight control after they are loaded up.

"Shortsword to flight control, standing by for launch, over."

I put down the book I was reading and head for the... hangars, I guess you could call them. Not really sure that applies when they're on a flying aircraft carrier.
You arrive in time to see Bell's plane get catapult-launched out into the sky. Another of your squadmates is already getting prepared for launch on the second catapult.

"Here we go."
I head over to the F-15 and prepare for takeoff.