
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246088 times)

You reach the nav point and find a pair of antiquated bombers escorted by six even more antiquated fighters. Standard protocol insists you contact the unknown force to determine their intentions before firing on them.

I hesitated, realizing that things could escalate very quickly, but remembered my job.

"I'll contact the big bogey on the left."

I hail the bomber on the left, querying their purpose for flying within the airspace we're supposed to safeguard.

qwep, if they respond, note their accent and/or language
speaking of which what are the other languages in this rp anyway?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:21:53 PM by Juncoph »

"This is NAUC airspace, repeat, this is NAUC airspace. Identify yourself and state your purpose. Wait a second... Are those MiG-15s?"

I hail the bomber on the left
: What you want?

querying their purpose for flying within the airspace we're supposed to safeguard.
: Bombing you. You won't stop us.

And with that, the Porlaqi fighters, a squad of six MiG-15s, break off and move to engage you. They open up with a volley of cannonfire from well outside gun range.

qwep, if they respond, note their accent and/or language
speaking of which what are the other languages in this rp anyway?
Every major nation here has their own language. For purposes of accents though, Kintharia is Japanese, Porlaq is Russian, Mercana is Arabic, Huitzitlaotani is Nahuatl, Zentragothic is German.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 12:02:44 AM by Qwepir »

I fire a missile at one of the MiGs, and toss some 20mm rounds at another.

And with that, the Porlaqi fighters, a squad of six MiG-15s, break off and move to engage you. They open up with a volley of cannonfire from well outside gun range.

Because of the distance, I watch the tracers zoom past at a considerable distance from their target, not afraid of the outdated weapons.

"...Migs? Really? That's all you've got defending your bombers?"

Before the enemy pilot can respond, comms are cut with the bomber.

"I'm climbing!"

My aircraft begins to pitch up, gradually exchanging speed for altitude. My guess is that the migs' engines won't be able to match the mirage's and that if any of them try to follow my ascent, they'll stall and become blatant targets for Talisman and Turtle.

Once I have considerable height over the attacking MiGs, I fire nothing at them. I point at the bombers and fire all of my missiles at them, three each of course, with delays of about 30 seconds in between every pair of missiles launched, to counteract any chaff or flares they respond with. Then I focus my attention on the MiGs that attempted to engage us, not wasting time staring at my missiles as they rush off.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:49:34 PM by Juncoph »

I immediately recognize the accent and smile faintly. "Porlaqis? Why?" I tug my stick without effort, putting a little more thrust into my engine, and gain altitude. I fly above one of the fighters and tap my stick left as well as towards me once forth. I get on the tail of one of the Porlaqi's, a little more elevated as well as in sights of the top and mumble "May God forgive me for killing this conscript." I burst my autocannon.

I look to the side for a second and see one of the guys shoot his whole guided arsenal at the two bombers. "I heard they don't like anyone wasting missiles." I mumble half to myself.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 11:55:16 PM by Swat 3 »

I look to the side for a second and see one of the guys shoot his whole guided arsenal at the two bombers. "I heard they don't like anyone wasting missiles." I mumble half to myself.

In an incredible feat, I manage to spew this entire paragraph while performing a series of maneuvers to slow down and get behind the MiGs in order to take them down:

"I also hear they don't like people who forget to cut their comms when they say something that might get them in trouble. Anyway, there's no way to tell if they'll be able to knock away any of the missiles. Better safe than sorry, and there's no way in hell you could get me to stick around with all those MiGs flying behind them to watch each missile. Speaking of which, I hear striking the hornet's nest raises the swarm. Get ready for all of those escorts to come at us, guys."

I blush for a little bit but remind myself I need to start defending myself more... but then again.

oh my god i just noticed a mig-15 (cigaretteot) is crap
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 12:09:07 AM by Swat 3 »

I fire a missile at one of the MiGs, and toss some 20mm rounds at another.
The 20mm cannon misses its mark due to being too far out.
The missile streaks towards its target, easily scoring a hit despite the enemy pilot's pathetic attempt at evasion. The MiG explodes spectacularly and rains bits of metal and meat giblets onto the forest below. A second MiG attempts to fly through the explosion and gets an intake full of hot shrapnel for its trouble, destroying its innards and sending it spinning out of control.

My aircraft begins to pitch up, gradually exchanging speed for altitude. My guess is that the migs' engines won't be able to match the mirage's and that if any of them try to follow my ascent, they'll stall and become blatant targets for Talisman and Turtle.
Another pair of MiGs doggedly attempt to follow your ascent, and predictably fail to keep up. They continue spraying inaccurate gunfire in your direction, for what it's worth.

The rest of your post was not taken into consideration because it required more time than would be allotted in a "turn". While there is no real limit on how long a turn is, it is preferred for you to keep your actions somewhat short and concise. If you are attempting to set something up, you cannot then immediately have it pay off in the same post. Opposing pilots have to be allowed some sort of reaction.

I get on the tail of one of the Porlaqi's, a little more elevated as well as in sights of the top and mumble "May God forgive me for killing this conscript." I burst my autocannon.
The majority of the burst misses its target, but a glancing blow nicks a fuel line left exposed by some shoddy maintenance work, and the entire plane goes up in flames.

While the three of you distract the fighters, Kelton is freed up to shoot down one of the bombers.

Remaining enemy forces:
3x MiG-15 cigaretteot
1x Tu-95 Bear
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 12:16:55 AM by Qwepir »

in that case replace my barrage of derp, post-climb, with this post

I deploy my air brakes for a moment, slowing to the MiGs' speed in order to bait them, before pitching up into a much steeper climb and kicking the afterburners on.

I boom and zoom the last bomber with my auto cannon, aiming for the wings. I make a bank and send a missile towards one of the MiGs once I straighten myself out.

NATO name with GRAU designation? This is disgrace comrade.

I fire another missile at another MiG, and spray another one within gun range with cannon fire.
"I still can't believe they thought it was a good idea to engage us with MiGs."

I fire another missile at another MiG, and spray another one within gun range with cannon fire.
"I still can't believe they thought it was a good idea to engage us with MiGs."
"I can't believe they still work."