
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245885 times)

Richard slowly pitches the Talon vertical, releasing one last string of countermeasures. He continues accelerating as he tries to loop back around towards the attackers, eventually reacquiring the Morgenstern and firing his last two missiles.

alright, so i went looking back at the posts where EV was first implemented to find operator's missile hit probability table and i happened to run across this

Also, I ran our projected casualty rate increase. Here they are.

thought it was appropriate considering how the mission is going so far
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 01:50:55 AM by NoZoner »

"[Son of a bitch!]"

I pop my very, very last flare and try to do more evasive maneuvers.

I also try to find 1-5, and get on his tail to kill him dead.
forget that dude.

I also try to find 1-5, and get on his tail to kill him dead.
forget that dude.

you should dump some munitions into 1-1 considering he's tagged and will come back to kick you in the butt before 1-5 does

Mission Theme

Jaakko watches Bell's IFF signal die, and sees a puff of smoke about where Yui would be. His heart seems to stop. He fears he is going to die.

Jaakko fires the MMS-20 into the leading Sabre in the escort formation and fires three HSM's at the first heavy transport.

The missiles' flashes produce interesting visual anomalies as the Fenrir drops its glass-like cloak.
Sabre base EV 73
Experience provides bonus of 6
MMS x20 provides penalty of 100
Flares provide bonus of 80
Test taken at EV 59
Roll: 91 - failure (by more than one degree)
Test failed

The leading Escort is mobbed by missiles and blown to pieces. The transport's port engine is slagged as well, and it begins losing altitude without much altitude left to lose.
: [3, go after him! 4, stick with me and keep your eyes peeled for any more of these guys!]

Escort-3 breaks formation and comes after you, the others staying with the transports.

"Nope, I am not dying today."
I eject, and from a safe (thank the Ark) distance watch the missile hit the Razorback, tearing the airframe to shreds and sending it down in chunks.
I am so, so sorry, Yukamo.
You live, for the time being, but end up with your chute tangled in the trees 50 feet above the ground.

"Geary, any time now!"

Gus maneuvers as hard as possible to stay out of the Flanker's gunsights.
PAK FA base EV 78
Experience provides bonus of 2
Test taken at EV 80
Flanker base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 4
Test taken at EV 79
PAK FA rolls to evade: 6 - success by 7 degrees
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 95 - failure
Flanker rolls to pursue: 58 - success by 2 degrees
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 10 - success by 6 degrees
PAK FA successfully breaks free

You give them the slip before they can do any serious damage.
: [Damn! Slippery little bugger!]

Walt scowls at the missile notifications pops two flares then turns to support Tempest and fires a MMS-12 at Attacker 1-3
Raven base EV 77
No piloting bonuses or penalties
MMS x12 provides penalty of 60
Flares provide bonus of 80
Test taken at EV 97
Roll: 71 - success
Test passed

You live.

Flanker base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 4
MMS x12 provides penalty of 60
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 59
Roll: 79 - failure (by more than one degree)
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 96 - failure (by more than one degree)
Test failed

They don't.

Bell yells a bunch of obscenities that nobody else can hear while the roosterpit falls apart and the canopy blows off by itself. She pulls the ejection handle and watches as the Morgenstern breaks apart with the engines still going.
The capsule jettisons from the stricken plane moments before it explodes, shrapnel from the explosion punching through the bottom of the pod and embedding itself in Bell. Bell's chutes also end up tangled in a bunch of branches leaning over the elevated highway to Tocatlan, but unlike Yui, Bell is not completely trapped as a result thanks to how Huit ejection capsules are designed. Still bleeding though, might want to address that.

Richard slowly pitches the Talon vertical, releasing one last string of countermeasures. He continues accelerating as he tries to loop back around towards the attackers, eventually reacquiring the Morgenstern and firing his last two missiles.
Talon base EV 85
No piloting bonuses or penalties
MML x2 provides penalty of 60
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 65
Roll: 38 - success
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 24 - success
Test passed

You trash the missiles

Morgenstern base EV 60
Experience provides bonus of 8
RGM 1 provides penalty of 25 + 10
RGM 2 provides penalty of 25 + 10
Test taken at EV -2
Roll: 49 - failure
Test failed

if you're wondering why RGMs keep changing values, it's dependent on how far you are from the target. at "long" radar range (for example, an against an enemy that just came into detection range), they're -45, at "close" radar range (an enemy about to enter missile range), they're -35, and when you're in missile range they're -25

Durable as it may be, the Morgenstern simply can't withstand two direct hits from RGMs.

"[Son of a bitch!]"
I pop my very, very last flare and try to do more evasive maneuvers.
I also try to find 1-5, and get on his tail to kill him dead.
forget that dude.

you are the ONLY member of your squad with a full complement of missiles why in the world aren't you using ANY of them
but alright, we'll do it your way
Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 2
HSM 1 provides penalty of 25
HSM 2 provides penalty of 25
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 68
Roll: 37 - success
Test passed

You evade the incoming missiles, and try to get behind the more maneuverable J-10.

Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 2
Test taken at 78
Vanguard base EV 78
Experience provides bonus of 4
Test taken at 82
Rafale rolls to pursue: 37 - success by 4 degrees
Vanguard rolls to evade: 28 - success by 5 degrees
Rafale fails to pursue

They keep you off them, and fire a pair of all-aspects to dissuade you from trying again.

Attacker 1-2 opens fire on Walt with its twin pulse lasers, and 1-4 starts lining up on Sabre.

The transports slow down and begin their flyover (or in at least one case, crash-over) of the base. Four walkers drop from Transport 2, using rockets attached to the ankles and rear torso to slow their descent just enough that they don't destroy themselves on landing. Upon touching down, the rockets detach and the walkers waste no time firing on anyone who isn't indoors. Three drop from Transport 1 before it hits the treeline on the other side of the base and goes up in an inferno, but they land way outside their mark, one of them being thrown into a building which then collapses on it. Transport 3 saturates the area with what appear to be the escape pods Deltan air cruisers use, but context tells you that those are not the crew abandoning ship.

Tippy grabs Yukamo's arm and heads for her dorm.
Yukamo is practically cemented to the spot watching the transports and has to be physically dragged inside. You make it halfway to your dorm before you start hearing the roar of rockets landing inside the base, followed by very rapid gunfire. She is not taking it very well.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:03:05 PM by Qwepir »

Walt turns to meet 1-2 and fires his second mms-12 along with his PPP

"Oh, forget me."
I calmly start trying to work out a way to climb the tree, up or down, or get out without killing myself, and spot Bell's ejection capsule land a few thousand feet away.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:06:52 PM by Gojira »

Tippy speeds up the pace and is practically careening down the hallway with Yukamo in tow.

"IN here!"

Tippy wastes no time bashing her door in because fiddling with the key would be a waste of time. She grabs a crowbar out of her closet and prys up several floorboards at the side of her bed. She reaches down deep and pulls up two Assault Rifles while yanking up a heavy backpack full of ammo. She notices the robot staring at her from the corner of the room.

"Hey robro, sorry to bust in there's a war going on outside.... Where did you put my ballistic vests when you cleaned up a while ago?"
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:37:19 PM by Tayasaurus »

Jaakko curses his life as the missiles chase him. He drops two flares and cloaks.

Jaakko comes to the realization that he is the last in his area.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:30:36 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Gus opens up on the Sabre with his coaxials.

"Hey robro, sorry to bust in there's a war going on outside.... Where did you put my ballistic vests when you cleaned up a while ago?"
It pulls a light ballistic vest out from between the mattress and the bunk frame.
: What is happening?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:04:12 PM by Qwepir »

It pulls a light ballistic vest out from between the mattress and the bunk frame.
: What is happening?
"Enemy units are air dropping into the base. Our AA is offline for some inexplicable reason so we're practically being handed in a handbasket."

She takes the vest and hands it to Yukamo.

"Put this on, don't argue." She says while handing her the lighter assault rifle.

Tippy throws the ammo backpack on and grunts under the weight a little.

"Remember your firearm training. Fire in bursts, don't hold the trigger down. This pack is heavy but that doesn't mean there's a lot in it. Stay behind me."

Tippy turns to leave but stops.

"Robro, you can't fight but you can follow some pretty basic instructions. Here." Tippy hands him a grenade from her pack.

"If Huits come in here looking around, pull the pin then throw the pin in the trash. This will make the room very clean got it?"

I find a branch within reach that's easily able to support my weight and climb up on to it, then get as close to the trunk as possible so that it doesn't snap, then start working out how I'm going to get down.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 12:56:23 PM by Gojira »

gonna wait til blockguy or nozoner post to update the situation in the air

She takes the vest and hands it to Yukamo.
"Put this on, don't argue." She says while handing her the lighter assault rifle.
She puts the vest on.

"Robro, you can't fight but you can follow some pretty basic instructions. Here." Tippy hands him a grenade from her pack.
"If Huits come in here looking around, pull the pin then throw the pin in the trash. This will make the room very clean got it?"
: Please do not patronize me, I know what a grenade is.

I find a branch within reach that's easily able to support my weight and climb up on to it, then get as close to the trunk as possible so that it doesn't snap, then start working out how I'm going to get down.
this happens
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:04:27 PM by Qwepir »

With the Morgenstern now out of the picture, Richard continues diving and veers towards Attacker 1-4. He places the Rafale in his sights and pulls the trigger for all guns.

I release the harness of the now-useless parachute and start carefully making my way down, only going for branches that I can safely reach, and climb down to, and once I'm down, start carefully making my way towards Bell's capsule, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that might be able to kill me, even insects.