
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1232318 times)

well, that was fast
im assuming your loadouts are all ready, so we'll start when i get back from work

is everything here correct?

Looks good. I'm at a track meet, so I'll try my best to keep up with posting.

Change my HSM to two mms-6 since they're available

ok, starting now then
for future reference though, the wargames use digital munitions anyway so technically everything is available in infinite amounts, and you can change loadouts between engagements without having to visit an awacs (im relying on the honor system for people to not go over the top and give themselves 5 MMS20s or some combination of weapons that wouldn't be realistically available in a real situation)
technically speaking, since the munitions are all digital and not real, they also weigh 0 ordnance cost. i won't correct you if you go over, but your opponents might take offense if they notice that you're not honoring hardpoint/ordnance limitations

Everyone takes their starting positions. You have one turn to discuss a plan of attack before entering radar range.

"The ground attacks should've been carrying RGMs, Razorback is gonna be next to useless in the dogfight,"

Jaakko clears his throat.

"I can clear tails. The big guy- uh, Morten seems batstuff crazy aggressive. I would advise he be the first to go so we can get numerical superiority. Yui, do not allow him on your tail, you can't move and your armor won't stand that U10, if he brought it,"

"Ok here's the plan. We shoot at them until they are dead. Shooting is scientifically proven to taking down planes."

"Copy that. I'll try to hang back and pick them off with AAMs. Next round, I'll bring some RGMs. By the way, it seems to me that Virvel might be like that as well. Just a feeling."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 06:13:25 PM by Gojira »

"We seem to have brought enough heat, so if we can constantly hit them, we should be fine."

Justin just realizes why the base is so empty and cries inside decides to wait till the next mission to try his new MiG-29

Plus, he still needed to test flight, so that was that.

Planning phase over. Battle begins. Eremit and Kommandant open up with a pair of RGMs each, targeted at the two non-stealth planes in your squadron.

Caesar pops 2 chaff, just to be safe.

Walt deploys two chaff and goes evasive

Caesar pops 2 chaff, just to be safe.
Flanker base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of 1
RGM 1 provides penalty of 45
RGM 2 provides penalty of 45
ESAM E5 provides penalty of 30
Chaff provides bonus of 80
Test taken at 36
Roll: 37 - failure
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 87 - failure
Test failed

The missiles get closer.

Walt deploys two chaff and goes evasive
Shikra base EV 46
Experience provides bonus of 3
RGM 1 provides penalty of 45
RGM 2 provides penalty of 45
ESAM E5 provides penalty of 30
Chaff provides bonus of 80
Test taken at 9
Roll: 75 - failure
Test failed


One turn until missile impact. Enemy planes still at Radar range.