
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245986 times)

"Voyskrig, disengage now before you end up dead. We can take it from here."
Yui watches her radar carefully, waiting for a radar response that isn't marked friendly.
: Disengage where!? We have no opening!

Faw pulls up and starts to gain altitude. He clicks on the radio and asks for intel.

"What opposition are we expecting? Are we going up against Tukrebs mostly or does Izzy have more in store for us?"
: Tukrebs, VTOLs, and something new! I've never seen this thing before but it can move! stuff, Volkov, behind you!

One of the Aesthian planes is engulfed in a bright light, clearly visible even though the planes themselves are not. Still no signiatures from the planes engaging your allies, but flying farther in you make contact with three transport VTOLs descending from the sky.

2 turns til missile range against allies, and 3 against the VTOLs.
: Musashi, line up on one of those VTOLs, see if we can draw the fighters our way by attacking them.
: Understood.

Jaakko shouts after her.

"How about you get it to do maintenance with that Deltan technician! She showed a lot of interest in it!" he calls, hobbling her way if only so she'd hear.

He digresses from forcing dialogue about Tippy apologizing, concluding that it will only cause undue stress.

Faw switches off the radio.

"loving sweet, Izzy's gotten me a birthday present."

He switches the radio back on for a second to ask something.

"The Zents have cloaking tech, right?"

He tightens his fingers around the plane's controls and continues to climb in altitude, scanning his radar and the airspace around him for any disturbances.

"The Zents have cloaking tech, right?"
: Not on their fighters, they don't. Aesthia is the only country that has managed to miniaturize it to that level.

Lorens takes a deep breath into his mask. He strums his fingers on the control stick, apparently moving his hand hard enough to cause the aircraft to wiggle slightly. The sensitivity of the Falcon's stationary force-sensing side-stick still has some room to grow on him. Hardly similar to the controls on the airbus dad flies, he concludes.

The impish VTOL transports come into view, dropping just beneath the canopy frame from Lorens' sight.

"Master arm, on, all-aspects cooled. I've got feedback on one of the VTOLs," he announces as he cues his target with his HMD. The launch authorization tone has yet to sound.

Walter ponders on the previous comment but doesn't reply and continues on.

"What the hell? Was that the new fighter?"
Yui pushes the burners, and fires an RGM at VTOL 1.
"Mjolnir, double time it. We're going to draw their attention and make an opening for Voyskrig."
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 06:40:55 PM by Gojira »

"Roger that, moving." Lorens puts his engine on reheat and follows the Corsair.


Faw fires a RGM at VTOL 2 from his high-altitude position and accelerates towards Voyskrig 2-6's position.

Ellie follows Faw as she has no radar missiles to engage the VTOLs with.

Mission Theme

Yui pushes the burners, and fires two RGMs at VTOL 1.
Transport VTOL base EV 50
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM 1 provides penalty of 45
RGM 2 provides penalty of 45
Chaff provides bonus of 80
Test taken at 40
Roll: 48 - failure by 1 degree
Test failed

One of the missiles is fooled by the chaff, the other isn't.

Faw fires a RGM at VTOL 2 from his high-altitude position and accelerates towards Voyskrig 2-6's position.
Transport VTOL base EV 50
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM provides penalty of 45
Chaff provides bonus of 40
Test taken at 45
Roll: 84 - failure
Test failed

The missile streaks towards its target, unimpeded.

: Fox three on VTOL three.
Transport VTOL base EV 50
Experience provides bonus of 4
RGM provides penalty of 45
Chaff provides bonus of 40
Test taken at 45
Roll: 38 - failure
Test passed

Musashi is not so fortunate.
: ...
: It's working! They're breaking-

One turn until reaching Voyskrig. Missiles will impact transports next turn.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 08:24:52 PM by Qwepir »

"stuff, I hope they managed to eject."

Jaakko sighs and is left only with a feeling of guilt. He decides to go see his dogs, and discuss with the robot the possibility of it finding more fulfilling work, such as working with the eager Deltan engineer.

"As do I."
Yui tries to get a visual on the new Gothic fighter, keeping her target in the circle.

"Fox two on the third VTOL!" Lorens fires a pair of HSMs at the target.