
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246290 times)

"I try to appreciate that I don't live with the 'rights' of an Imperial or its protectorates, or I'm not a Deltan slave, or that I have to deal with the Mercanan theocracy. When you put it in prospective it can give you an idea of your rights. I can see where she's coming from though," Jaakko responds quietly.

He takes a breath.

"Like I said though, especially when it's being said by a former enemy, it feels almost insulting to hear that your nation doesn't appreciate its rights, especially when it's coming from a Deltan. Just thinking about it now though, she might not be entirely wrong,"
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 09:40:18 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"And now you're stuck on the GTO side until the war is over, at the least," Gus says wistfully.

Gus rubs his chin and lets his gaze - and mind - wander around the cafeteria.

"I always wanted to go to the Delta. Just, ah, not for the reason I ended up going there for."

His eyes refocus and he looks back at Coaxoch.

"What was life like down there? I've never gotten the chance to ask anyone."

"I try to appreciate that I don't live with the 'rights' of an Imperial or its protectorates, or I'm not a Deltan slave, or that I have to deal with the Mercanan theocracy. When you put it in prospective it can give you an idea of your rights. I can see where she's coming from though," Jaakko responds quietly.

He takes a breath.

"Like I said though, especially when it's being said by a former enemy, it feels almost insulting to hear that your nation doesn't appreciate its rights, especially when it's coming from a Deltan. Just thinking about it now though, she might not be entirely wrong,"
Musashi nods, keeping her arms folded.

"And now you're stuck on the GTO side until the war is over, at the least," Gus says wistfully.
Gus rubs his chin and lets his gaze - and mind - wander around the cafeteria.
"I always wanted to go to the Delta. Just, ah, not for the reason I ended up going there for."
His eyes refocus and he looks back at Coaxoch.
"What was life like down there? I've never gotten the chance to ask anyone."
: Hmm, I suppose it depends on where you live and what you are. For an indentured farm hand living inland, it is hot, humid, and you work weeks of sixty or more hours, all manual labor. For a free man living in one of the walled coastal cities, though, it is wonderful. I do not even know if I could do the experience justice myself, but there is a reason the Delta was such a popular spot for tourists.

"I meant yours, if you're willing to share."

Yui snaps awake a few minutes later, seemingly in a panic.

Tippy finds her way an hour or so later to the range and sets up. A click and a clack and a hail of bullets. That's what she likes. Tippy takes aim at a crowd of foam targets and sends a stream of lead in bursts down the range. The recoil of the Imperial gun kicks back into her shoulder and disperses the energy into her body.

"Hehe. Hell yeah. Who the hell puts flowers on someones grave when you can pay your respects in ammo." Tippy says to herself.

She aims again and sends another burst down range, sawing one of the foam dummies heads clean off.

"And the crowd goes wild except the dummies! ohhhhhhh! I should have been in competition shooting or somestuff."

"I meant yours, if you're willing to share."
: Oh. Er, well... from 12 to 19, I worked setting and recovering bug traps on a meat farm. Then the owner got in trouble for abusing his workers, and we were all taken by the government. I was conscripted by the Air Force and assigned to a coastal defense squadron, and after serving with distinction for four years, I was granted my freedom. I could have left then, found another job, but I chose to continue serving in the hopes I could help others liberate themselves the way I did. Not that it worked out that way.

"I'll give her an apology. And you too- sorry for being, irritable," Jaakko says.

"You did what you could. No shame in that."

Gus taps his fingers on the table a few times before continuing onto a different tangent.

"He doesn't mean to be an ass, you know. He's just- passionate. His breed learned to express and discuss their opinions in college. They never mentioned that you have to know when not to, I suppose."

He leans back in the chair, tapping his foot on the metal strut holding up one end of the table.

"I don't blame you. I know others do; the gods blessed me, but they gave me no right to judge. We're just people. You, me, Jaakko, Ilona - we're all just fighting for what we think is right, or for the people who fight with us. The tragedy of war is that we fight and kill those who are not so different from ourselves."

Caesar lay in the bed of his dorm.

He folds his arms and puts his hands behind his head.
Rather depressingly, he stares at the ceiling.
No amount of water drinking could save this mam from his internal conflict.
Caesar stares into the fluorescent light that lights his room, and then looks away. He watches as the light retained in his eyes turns from green, to purple, and then fades.
Eternal doldrums for this man.
He recollects his life.
Being born to a very, very rich family in NAUC, luxury has been his only way of life. He's only worn designer clothes, driven exotic cars, and done exotic drugs.
Why me?
"My friends laughed harder at my jokes. Even the bad ones." All of his friends were fake, only in it for the money. Along with his girlfriends. It was fake love and Caesar knew it. He somehow continued with his regular life.  He's never tried mom's home cooking. Mom never had to cook. Dad was too busy "away on business trips" to do anything with his son. He never got to play catch with his dad. He never got to work on cars or have talks about whatever fathers and sons talk about.
It was always just "I'm tired of this. Get me something new."
Why can't I be happy?

A sadness falls over the young man.

He drifts off to sleep after laying in silence and sadness for what felt like hours.

i didnt write this as Caesar is coming down with a case of depression and will shortly kill himself later, i just wrote it as a character development thing
« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 12:32:32 AM by blockguy™ »

Several days pass, a supply shipment comes in, and it's time for another mission.
: It's been two weeks since the fight was brought to Svirask, and our boys and girls down on the ground still hold half of the city. At this rate, Svirask is going to take at least three more weeks before Aesthian forces are fully expelled from the city. Plenty of time to turn things around if you ask me. Today, you are going to be engaging and destroying Imperial strike planes before they can reach the city and start hammering our airships and ground forces. As usual, expect fighter escorts and more than a few stealth planes. Raiden will be backing you up on this mission.

i didnt write this as Caesar is coming down with a case of depression and will shortly kill himself later, i just wrote it as a character development thing
not bad

markus's loadout is ready, sheet2 of yui's loadout