
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1249077 times)

"I don't see why not If I DO go."

Jaakko and Tippy's conversation is interrupted by an intercom announcement for all hands to prepare the ship for landing.

Cualli, still in the common room with Gus and Elu, looks up. "Huh, I guess that leave is coming sooner than I thought. And I guess I better get moving," she says. She stands and gives a stretch, then gestures for Elu to come with her.

"I'll see you around," Cualli tells Gus, smiling warmly as she passes him on her way out of the room.

Jaakko hears the announcement and stands.

"Whelp. Time to go," he says, momentarily forgetting the airliner.

Close to an hour is spent making sure all loose items are properly secured, after which the crew assumes the takeoff/landing/crash position. After an uncomfortably long time strapped into a seat with no clue as to the location of the carrier relative to the ground, you feel the familiar jolt of touching down, followed by the experience of gravity seeming to go sideways as the colossal airship brakes for three kilometers. Eventually the movement stops entirely, the engines power down, and your ears are met with a quiet they haven't known for weeks. Unfortunately, the quiet is soon shattered by the intercom directing all non-essential crew (pilots, their support staff, etc) to exit the carrier.

Tippy moves in the line that has formed for the carrier exit, carry bag with essentials in tow.

Cualli gets in line, keeping Elu close. She's given her luggage to him and carries in her hand a colorful, quickly put-together set of sticky notes with various eyes drawn on them.

Gus grabs his bags and heads towards the carrier exit. In an increasingly common moment of brainlessness he realizes he has forgotten precisely where Cualli would be, and elects to look for the only walking robot aboard. Surprisingly difficult when thousands of people are trying to leave at once.

Cualli gets in line, keeping Elu close. She's given her luggage to him and carries in her hand a colorful, quickly put-together set of sticky notes with various eyes drawn on them.
Cualli bumps into Eremit once she steps off the cargo ramp.

Cualli bumps into Eremit once she steps off the cargo ramp.
"Oh, hey," she greets. "I didn't really get to see you before we landed; guess it's a good thing I ran into you."

"Oh, hey," she greets. "I didn't really get to see you before we landed; guess it's a good thing I ran into you."
: Oh. Did you need something?

Jaakko, left to his own devices, sluggishly gathers his poorly organized personal effects and gets in line to shuffle off of the ship. His own poor mood makes the already dreadfully long line to disembark seem to move so much slower. When he finally reaches solid ground, he realizes just how solid the ground feels, absent of any of the rumbling or disturbances of flying.

He wanders around looking for Tippy.

: Oh. Did you need something?
"Not really. I was just wondering what you were going to get up to while on leave."

"Not really. I was just wondering what you were going to get up to while on leave."
: We're going on leave? First I've heard of it. ...I'd probably just go home, check on my family. Make sure they're doing okay.

: We're going on leave? First I've heard of it. ...I'd probably just go home, check on my family. Make sure they're doing okay.
Cualli shrugs. "I just figured we'd get a little time off or something with how... busy everything's been."

"All the way out to Moratov? How long would it even take to get there?"