
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246531 times)

Walter checks out virvel from the boxes near the Skepna
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 09:40:40 PM by Badger »

This is it. This is where you die, traitor.

Markus takes a deep breath, and quiets his negative thoughts. He somehow feels calmer in the Corsair's roosterpit. He figures it helps that it's his last taste of home. His mind drifts back to just hours ago, to Ash sharing a piece of chocolate to calm him down. He steels his nerves, shuts out the nagging voice as best as he can, and secures himself in the roosterpit.

He gives a thumbs up to the crewman performing the final checks on the craft, for what good they can do. He begins preparing to taxi, following the marshaller's instructions.

Lorens and Ash shortly arrive at the flight deck.

"Hard to believe there might not be a tomorrow," Lorens trails off as he stops just beyond the deck access.

"Should be. As long as we're here to help it, tomorrow will happen," Ash responds, "And we'll be alive to see it, too."

"You seem awfully sure about this," Lorens chuckles.

"What, and you aren't? Come on, we're loving fighter pilots, man! They pay us to be roostery!," Ash jests with a big grin on his face. He somehow keeps a smile dancing on his lips as he breaks character, "Stay frosty, Snowman."

Lorens turns to find Ash holding out his fist. He cracks a smile and bumps it against his own.

"... Will do. And you, you stay in one piece, Blackeye."

The two part ways and head off to their respective aircraft.

Walter checks out virvel from the boxes near the Skepna
Virvel notices.

The Former Mjolnir pilots sit in their roosterpits and wait their turn to launch. Each Imperial plane launches precisely fifteen seconds after their partner, with the next in line being towed along a track into position in the meantime. Raiden launches once the deck is empty of Imperial planes, one of the Wyvern pilots offering a salute as they taxi past. Finally, after only seven minutes, Kobalt squadron takes off to catch up to the strike formation, carefully navigating through the veritable cloud of drones surrounding the Imperial battlegroup. Once all planes have reported in, instructions come down from the head of the formation.
: [All craft, this is Grao Leader. Priority targets are the heavy bombers. Break their backs here, and the carriers should flee. They have to know they won't stand a chance against our fleet unsupported.] Kobalt Maniple, I've already been briefed on how you operate. I won't tell you what to do so long as you don't make our jobs harder. Just do your thing.

The Aesthian fleet is arranged primarily in a three-pronged ladder formation, two airships each extending from the lead ship towards its two, six, and ten o'clock. Between the first and second rows are five more ships, arranged at two, four, six, eight, and ten; giving the entire formation the impression of a V- or shield-shaped wall. Several miles behind the main formation are the carriers; the Blixtkrigs traveling in an inverted triangle formation ahead of the flagship Odslighet, whose escort cruisers are at its four and eight. The Gothic strike package has their course already laid out as shown in the briefing, and will be attacking the main body of the fleet from the east-southeast. Kobalt can follow them, or approach from a different angle.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 06:53:04 PM by Qwepir »

"Grao Lead, Kobalt, we'll continue with the strike group,"

"Grao Lead, Kobalt, we'll continue with the strike group,"
: Understood. [Everyone, be advised that Kobalt squadron is in our AO. Check your fire when engaging, some of them are using Aesthian airframes.]

Kobalt takes their place in the strike formation and makes contact with the first of the Aesthian airships. No fighters appear on your scopes, but you know full well that some Aesthian stealth planes could be lining up on you already.

Markus keeps a careful eye on his radar and the horizon, wary of Flatlines and electronic support suites.

"Mjolnir, weapons free," Jaakko says out of habit, "Aid the attack on the Grym. When the Grym goes down, move to the Baron Ada. Hopefully Brunaz and Blawes will have taken down the Chernetok, watch for support fire from other airships,"

: [Strike package, Spyglass. You have enemy fighters approaching from twelve o'clock.]
: You hear that, Kobalt? We have company.
: Ooh, I'm just shaking. We only outnumber them four to one!

"I'd bet my ass there are stealth fighters with them. Stay sharp. Moving to engage Hotel flight."
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 10:50:20 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Ash's warning receiver picks up the interdiction radar pings from the newly arrived threat.

"Nails confirmed twelve o'clock, Blackeye engaging offensive," He pushes forward on the lever and follows in after Jaakko.

Markus silently pushes the power lever forward and follows Crash and Ash.

Ellie falls in and fires two RGMs at one of the Fulcrums in Hotel flight.

"Scorch, better get off your RGMs too, you probably won't get a better chance to use them."

Markus fires two RGMs at Hotel lead.

Aerial Fleet Strike

Ellie falls in and fires two RGMs at one of the Fulcrums in Hotel flight.
Fulcrum base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of  6
Chaff provides bonus of  40
RGM 1 provides penalty of  45
RGM 2 provides penalty of  45
Test taken at 31
Roll: 57 - failure

Markus fires two RGMs at Hotel lead.
Flanker base EV 75
Experience provides bonus of  8
Chaff provides bonus of  40
RGM 1 provides penalty of  45
RGM 2 provides penalty of  45
Test taken at 33
Roll: 67 - failure
Reroll: 22 - success

One of the Fulcrums goes down, evidenced by a dim flash in the distance. The Flanker successfully jinks out of the way and returns fire with two RGMs of its own. The Grym has noticed your approach as well.
: Kobalt Maniple, detecting multiple SAM launches from the Grym. Be advised, port ventral plasma is tracking your movement also.

Missile Range next turn.