I don't need a loving apology, but I want TrollBoat to admit it was a stupid gambit and that he's trying to play us for fools so that we give him plenty of e-congrats.
Why should you care if he admits it or not?
Are you fixated on his mentality to be truthful, is it that important to you?
If he does end up telling the truth, will you even believe him?
Would you even care in the end, or would you just be like "eh oh well just another day on the blf"?
Some of you guys should really stop trying to be the forum detectives because some of you are just not good at it. Hell, if you're really that much into it, you should at least see how stuff plays off at first instead of jumping right into it and causing a stuffstorm.
I'm not defending TrollBoat nor am I against him.