

what are brushes and combs?
I just use a stuff-TON of hair spray ( god help you if you are near a candle )

Author Topic: Comb or brush?  (Read 2483 times)

Just a simple question Which is the master race about what you use. Comb or Brush?

I use the brush because my hair is too thick for a comb because I've gone through many combs due to the teeth breaking...

i got a comb in me pocket

For regular-day use, brushes are fine.
For formal reunions, gel + comb.

My majestic mane of Dark chestnut is too thick for combs, Brushes cover more area too.

My hair is too short for either.

Brush because it makes my hair soft

Brush, combs are for cuntboys.

i broke a comb trying to comb my hair
i use my fingers as a comb

brush for everything but my bangs. for those i use a fine tooth comb.

Aren't you supposed to use both..

a rake

Combbrush. It's like a hairbrush with REALLY stiff bristles.

i use a hair pick and a comb because of my glorious afro

i use a hair pick and a comb because of my glorious jewfro