

what are brushes and combs?
I just use a stuff-TON of hair spray ( god help you if you are near a candle )

Author Topic: Comb or brush?  (Read 2416 times)

Who has time for girly things like that

depends on whatever i find first in the morning.

Combs are more portable but brushes tend to get the job done quicker for me.

brush if your hair's a mess

comb if you wanna look good

comb because my hair requires a certain love, care, and precision that only a comb provides

When my hair gets longer I occasionally use a comb. Right now it's short so I don't touch it.

brushes are literally used by either women or super gay men
i comb a lot of times but when i dont i just put my hand through my hair once and its SL1CK

when i have long hair, i use a brush. when short hair, i use nothing.


I have long hair (ish, it goes in my eyes and falls down far over my ears and goes down far on the back of my neck, but not too long), so i use water and a brush in the morning. after PE, I use a brush to fix up anything.

Brush, combs are for cuntboys.
are those like reverse richardgirls

neither because i'm hygenically challenged.